Example sentences of "in [noun] for [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A few days later I did question Shadwell about the possibility of not being covered in shit for my debut as a professional actor .
2 The shadow spokesman for employment chose Grail engineering in cinderford for his visit to the forest of dean .
3 houseman and Gwenellen 's fiancé , was the first of the surgeons to arrive in Marcus for his night round .
4 His tone had changed again , and now he spoke like a worried father who still lives in hope for his son .
5 His venom , both actual and metaphysical , was held in reserve for his wife ! ’
6 From November , 1914 , Ruhleben ( racecourse stables outside Berlin ) housed for up to four years about 4000 Britons , who ranged from several honeymoon couples just arrived in Germany for their August holidays to dons and students on walking or reading parties , musicians and sportsmen snatched from festivals , and even a journalist with an ear supposedly close to the ground , Israel Cohen , a German correspondent for the London press who had cheerfully left on July 29 for his vacation near Dresden .
7 Not only was Gannon jettisoned with professional coldness he was , at least according to the Gannon camp , somewhat lacking in payment for his part in the writing of The Smiths next single , ‘ Ask ’ .
8 The miller would then deduct a proportion of the grain in payment for his services .
9 Both Pyro and Nancy may have a claim in negligence for their injuries under the narrow rule in Donoghue v Stevenson .
10 For each item in creditors for which security has been given : state the amounts secured give a general indication of security .
11 For each item in creditors for which security has been given :
12 For example , emotional problems are often presented as justification for a person 's drunkenness , especially if they are female , and on one occasion a youth who had been involved in an accident but who had only just passed his driving test was let off with a caution by a policewoman in sympathy for his inexperience .
13 The team found whole communities in Sunderland for whom unemployment was a way of life , and among whom a
14 Their voices , a blend of proud and plebeian , would , when taken with the early autumnal chill , have suggested they were Tories in Brighton for their Party 's annual conference .
15 Athelstan 's pleasure increased when-he saw that Benedicta , her hair now braided and hidden under a wimple , had a small basket by her side in preparation for their journey to Smithfield .
16 Local Galatic holidaymakers are now being invited to sign up and receive a free certificate of registration and luggage labels in preparation for their travel .
17 They trailed 20–7 at half-time as Harlequins ran through their repertoire of slick back-line moves in preparation for their Cup final showdown with Bath .
18 Finance ministers from the Group of Seven industrialized countries also met on April 14 in preparation for their meeting on April 28 .
19 Or if an adult hospital patient with young children is known to be terminally ill , it should be possible to provide some kind of support for the spouse and the children in preparation for their loss , in order that they may work through their grief and come to terms with their new situation .
20 Tsunami , the long-awaited low-cost/high-volume Sparc chip , has been officially re-christened MicroSparc in preparation for its debut Friday October 9 .
21 Commercial Union is reviewing its 3rd Age Initiative account , thought to be worth £2m , in preparation for its consumer launch into the grey market , later this year .
22 The charges included his acceptance of a commission following the completion of SOMISA 's purchase , at well above market prices , of new offices which were then lavishly decorated at a time when the state company 's workforce was being dramatically reduced in preparation for its privatization in 1992 [ see p. 38527 ] .
23 These rooms housed two family heirlooms ; a tilting-top circular oak table , standing on a pillar with three splayed legs , made by my great-grandfather prior to his wedding , and a patchwork quilt made by Gran Tapper in preparation for her marriage .
24 In 1951 came the excitement of the MEdaus ' visit ; the next year Hilda became the Society 's first reassurer ; then in preparation for her move to Weston-Super-Mare in 1961 , she took the leaders ' training .
25 Whether this was all done in preparation for his wedding is not certain , but in 1744 he married a daughter of Richard Osborne from neighbouring Wortley House .
26 Even as he did so , Angel One was already shifting his weight onto his left foot , in preparation for his counter-attack on his second assailant .
27 At intervals throughout the next months he worked on this material , in preparation for his show at the Lefevre Gallery in September 1951 and for other exhibitions .
28 The John Gosden-trained three-year-old has not been seen in public so far this term , but has certainly been sparkling on the Newmarket gallops in preparation for his reappearance .
29 Indeed , one Wettin of Reichnau , a visionary monk , claimed to have seen Charles in Purgatory , where the purifying flames burned away his lust in preparation for his entry into Heaven .
30 I sent details of the case to a large number of politicians in preparation for his move in the Commons .
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