Example sentences of "in [noun] ['s] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On Dec. 13 , 1989 , a State Security court in Erzincan sentenced to death Adil Can for his part in a raid on a police station in Gumushane 's Siran district .
2 The tiara had not glittered in Nicandra 's wedding veil .
3 We have previously shown that in cow 's milk allergy the immune elimination of cow 's milk antigens is deficient .
4 The results of the present investigation agree with those of previous studies indicating that immune mechanisms are activated in cow 's milk allergy , and further extend these findings to unrelated dietary antigens encountered by the enteral route .
5 This indicates that immune system elimination of cow 's milk antigens is defective in cow 's milk allergy .
6 He was enthroned in Moscow 's Epiphany Cathedral on June 10 as Patriarch Aleksei II of Moscow and All Russia .
7 It will allow the network to cover everything from astronaut training in Moscow 's Star City to life on the Soviet space station Mir .
8 Moreover , on the eve of the May 9 parade Gorbachev told a gathering of senior Army personnel in Moscow 's Bolshoi Theatre that immediate reforms were needed in the armed forces and that it could not be " beyond the pale of criticism " .
9 This implies a dramatic shift in Moscow 's non-committal stance on the Western allies ' 1987 Berlin Initiative , which is expected to be the main subject of today 's talks .
10 Although both were impeccably dressed in dark suits , there was just something about them that reminded Fran of the old wolf in sheep 's clothing story .
11 The glorification of action in Aeschylus ' Prometheus Bound is the antithesis of Sophocles ' endorsement of saintly passivity , but it rests on the same pessimistic basis .
12 ( I carry one ready made in Armstrong 's glove compartment . )
13 Even when , as in Hull 's learning theory , the organism is introduced , its place is taken by a formal set of mediating processes in which neither mental life nor biological processes as such are revealed .
14 But the programme 's producer , Peter Kinkead , says it is more than a gimmick — despite the fact that there are only about 5500 Prestel sets in TVs 's catchment area .
15 All the elements which were to appear in Watkins ' ley thesis , and others , were present in these earlier and contemporary researches : remains of old , straight tracks , churches on older pagan sites , beacons , meridional lines and astronomical orientation .
16 The Law Society also issued a set of written professional standards concerning communications with clients , with the broad aim ( now enshrined in Solicitors ' Practice Rule 15 ) of ensuring that clients are kept regularly and fully informed in layman 's terms as to the course and conduct of their affairs ; as to the identity of the solicitor or other person in the firm having day to day conduct of the matter ; as to the nature of the legal issues raised in the case ; as to the progress being made ; as to the cost ( including the availability of legal aid ) ; and as to the prospects of success .
17 Most recently , Thompson played Beatrice in Branagh 's film version of Shakespeare 's Much Ado About Nothing .
18 He told them about the bath in Swines ' building yard .
19 ‘ Progressive ’ educational sentiments also provided important elements in Baden-Powell 's Boy Scout philosophy , and he never tired of criticising what he saw as the dulling conformity and uninspired education provided by the State .
20 Michaelmas Term lately over , and the Lord Chancellor sitting in Lincoln 's Inn Hall .
21 The 68-year-old financier was found guilty of misleading thousands of investors into buying risky securities in Lincoln 's parent company American Continental , which at the time was already in deep financial trouble .
22 The partnership — already tried and tested at the highly successful Meadowhall retail development in Sheffield — will invest DM900 million to develop the scheme on derelict land in the heart of Oberhausen , in Germany 's Ruhr Valley .
23 The crisis in Germany 's steel industry claimed another victim .
24 I fell in love with a boy with a crew cut who came to mend our roof with the window cleaner who grinned at me in my rollers and the boy in Vallance 's record shop with a sport face .
25 The unique trans-continental link involves East Middlesbrough Community Venture and Langridge Initiative Centre with St Andrews Resource Centre in Dublin and the Organisation of Collective Co-operatives of Zimbabwe ( OCCZIM ) , which is based in Middlesbrough 's twin town of Masvingo .
26 DETAILED plans for a multi-million pound centre to stimulate jobs , training and business in Middlesbrough 's City Challenge area were approved yesterday .
27 ( iii ) Apply one large drop of DAPI ( Sigma ) solution ( 0.2–0.4 g/ml in McIlvaine 's buffer pH 7.0 ) and lower a fresh coverslip onto the drop .
28 In Rast 's method camphor is used as a solvent since it has a large cryoscopic constant ( see table 6.6 ) .
29 Peggy Vanderheld stood quivering with fury , silhouetted against the picture window in Hauser 's Helsinki office .
30 But in Plato 's view knowledge was paramount , skills necessarily inferior and suitable only for the lowly .
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