Example sentences of "in [noun] [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It will be an early user of the new machine , while the Supercomputer Computations Research Institute at Florida State University in Tallahassee is also planning to evaluate it .
2 Dutch Edam is well known and much loved in Britain for its mild flavour and appeal on the cheeseboard — so much so that its versatility for use in cooking is sometimes forgotten .
3 ( ii ) PG in sheep is generally associated with a variety of nematode genera with differing epidemiological characteristics .
4 Our understand of the quality of later life before this revolution in attitudes is severely constrained by the kinds of information which have survived .
5 If the actual money stock in t is accurately predicted by agents at the end of period t - 1 ( in symbols ) , the actual price level in t will equal the price level which was expected at the end of t - 1 since expectations regarding the future behaviour of the money stock have been accurately generated by the efficient use of the information available in .
6 Mayne quickly established himself as the most exceptional officer in Stirling 's rapidly expanding SAS force , which became the 1st Special Air Service Regiment in September 1942 , with Stirling in command as lieutenant-colonel .
7 The net gain in Germany is therefore represented by area 4 .
8 The ‘ something else ’ that happens in meetings is sometimes called the informal structure and it is about the politics of decision-making .
9 A cause of action in negligence is traditionally considered to require three ingredients :
10 The level II SVQ in banking is jointly certificated by SCOTVEC and the Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland .
11 A fortnightly clinic at Guisborough and a monthly clinic in Brotton is also prescribed .
12 Postgraduate work in Russian is also interlinked with the MSc programme in Comparative and General Literature ; supervision on interdisciplinary topics can be arranged .
13 Evidence of change in progress is often provided by systematic differences in apparent time of the kind shown in table 5.2 ; that is , differences between generation cohorts .
14 For some this demand is generated by the increased desire to undertake comparative research , which in part is further fuelled by greater accessibility to information .
15 The body in orbit is thus slowed down slightly .
16 Immunity to Trichostrongylus as in Ostertagia is slowly acquired and in sheep and probably goats it wanes during the periparturient period .
17 But it is equally clear that direct , participatory democracy is , if not impossible , at least not very practicable in the modern world , and is in any case a recipe for bad government : " a community in mass is ill adapted for the business of Government … all numerous assemblies are essentially incapable of business . "
18 Returning to Menard 's definition of science as ‘ the content of these [ scientific ] journals ’ , the scientific literature itself can be measured in a number of ways , and growth in literature is often considered to be concomitant with growth in the subject .
19 However , the significant reduction in sentence is probably connected with the normative elements in the provocation doctrine , the elements of ‘ partial justification ’ .
20 The importance of being able to reciprocate gifts in kind is also illustrated by case study data from Pahl 's study on household work strategies on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent , in which one man who was long-term unemployed had been helping an uncle to decorate his house , and how the uncle then gave him a large piece of meat .
21 The low rate in sloths is probably associated with their lower metabolic rate ( 51% lower than other mammals of comparable size ) and daily lowering of body temperature .
22 Bad news in organizations is seldom received with much enthusiasm .
23 The capacity in mls is usually imprinted into the glass at the base of the bottle .
24 The state of the art in the study of professionals in schools is still represented by the work of Hoyle ( 1975 ) who suggested the notion of professionality as a way forward from the sterile debates of whether teaching is a profession in the ‘ checklist of characteristics ’ manner .
25 The government-backed Industrial Technology Research Institute ( ITRI ) , in Taiwan is reportedly thinking about taking a second crack at a locally designed Sparc processor : it supposedly came up with 25MHz three-chip silicon in the spring , but was shooting for 50MHz .
26 Saying we were in Berkshire is like saying we 're in Surrey now .
27 First , the Common Good' is held to be an illusory concept , which in practice is rarely used to refer to any aim that can fairly be called ‘ common ’ and which might not even refer to a good' at all ; pursuit of ‘ the Common Good ’ is therefore not useful as an identifying objective of democracy , and Schumpeter prefers to identify democracy not by its objectives but as a method .
28 Although local authorities are accountable to the local electorate , their powers and a significant proportion of their finance are derived ultimately from Parliament ( which in practice is invariably dominated by government ) .
29 This is usually a standard ten per cent in contracts but in practice is usually agreed at five per cent .
30 If the applicant requests a particular method of service ( which in practice is seldom done ) 77 that request will be complied with unless to do so would be incompatible with the law of the country of destination .
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