Example sentences of "in [noun] [v-ing] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 She told them that a man had knocked on the door of her home in Hereford claiming to be from the council .
2 In the days of the Bestiary and the Emblem Book , animal pictures had shown the world of Aesop 's fables ; butterflies giving us a symbol of resurrection , and also of feckless enjoyment , in pictures waiting to be decoded .
3 Like they 'd crawl across the floor in restaurants pretending to be a couple of dogs .
4 Many of the rest have four legs , and bark or moo or even lie in swamps pretending to be logs .
5 I spent two years in Washington trying to be a surgeon , but I could n't settle in the States . ’
6 Like rows of tulips in buckets waiting to be bought .
7 She would never have had the kind of success she 's had , with Broadway and so on , if she 'd stayed at home in England waiting to be asked .
8 I am here making recordings of the Masai singing about cows and meanwhile my father is sitting in Paris pretending to be a man of the world , a saviour of his people while they are being sent off to be killed . ’
9 Martin Braine found that if children between five and six years of age are shown a standard visual illusion — such as a stick in water appearing to be broken , by light refraction — they will distinguish correctly between ‘ looks ? ’ and ‘ really ? ’ questions , but that if they are asked the neutral question ‘ Is the stick straight or broken ? ’ they will say that it is broken .
10 Dzos stood patiently in line waiting to be unloaded , and moving forward in turn without orders .
11 Joshua Morris stood in line waiting to be searched for an offensive weapon .
12 When you the file , the loaded version is still open , sitting in memory waiting to be closed , with a file pointer in another .
13 Thus , it is clear that what we are in fact dealing with is an issue of political theory , the proper location of power and responsibility .
14 The scheme of the Section is that the income which the settlor by his disposition has diverted from himself and conferred on another shall be notionally restored to him while in fact continuing to be applied as he has directed .
15 It was in fact going to be a ‘ complex ’ process , since it would require ‘ permanent , steady and patient activity to delete from people 's minds the remains of the past , the obsolete conceptions , mentalities and customs , and to cultivate a new attitude towards work , life and society . ’
16 Mysticism is a particularly interesting example of the attempt to interpret the faith in a new way and which discovers a new richness that was there in embryo waiting to be developed .
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