Example sentences of "in [pron] he [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My nine-year-old son recently told me of dreaming of swinging violently in the hammock ( something he frequently does during the summer ) and falling out ( again , a frequent occurrence ) , but instead of landing on the ground he floated , and started a floating dream in which he effortlessly travelled around the garden suspended above the ground .
2 It will be a vision of success from which everyone profits , a vision which the Profitboss has developed over many years , a vision in which he passionately believes and is able to communicate with enthusiasm to his team and every other employee in the organization .
3 After listening to Tindle talking excitedly about The Raft , Minton began work on The Survivors ( National Gallery of Canada , Ottawa ) , in which he wisely makes no direct allusion to Géricault 's masterpiece , the experience of which had caused Delacroix to run through the streets like a madman , as any attempt to retranslate this powerfully emotive image would have resulted in failure .
4 Each Saturday morning Eric would fly to Udine from Rome in one of the Desert Air Force bombers , in which he nearly froze to death , then hitch a lift from there to Verona — the huge Fiat was not part of the service .
5 Before the Cabinet reached its final decision , Shawcross asked for a special meeting with the Prime Minister and Morrison in which he strongly pressed his point of view :
6 However , Gorbachev on Nov. 17 salvaged his prestige with a short address in which he unexpectedly produced proposals for constitutional reforms to strengthen the central leadership and raise the level of the republics ' involvement in it .
7 The events of what came to be known as Barricades Week began on 18 January 1960 , when a German newspaper published an interview with General Massu , in which he openly attacked de Gaulle 's self-determination policy .
8 Another Coral made an encouraging seasonal debut last month when going down by seven lengths to Tipping Tim at Cheltenham — a race in which he also finished second last year — and is now 11lb better off with that rival .
9 His descent continued : his job talking rubes into a San Francisco strip-club was his most reputable career during a period in which he also became a heroin addict , a pimp for his next bride and an armed robber ( he once pinned a victim 's hand to the floor with a knife ) .
10 Theatre for Oxford has developed out of his theatre tours abroad , for which he has directed The Importance of Being Ernest , in which he also plays Dr Chasuble , The Glass Menagerie , The Promise , Shaw 's Village Wooing , Arthur Miller 's Elegy for a Lady and Pinter 's The Caretaker .
11 Althusser elaborates his thesis that Marxism is not a historicism at some length , presenting a critique of the historicist and humanist traditions which he takes back from Sartre to the beginning of the century , even to the Russian Revolution itself , and in which he also includes the ‘ absolute historicism ’ of Gramsci and the Frankfurt School .
12 When , after five or six miles [ 8–10 km ] , his men reached another defile , between Loch Lochy and a steeply sloping mountain to the east , they found the Highlanders had arrived before them , and after a brisk action , in which he eventually found himself hemmed in on three sides , Scott , himself wounded , and with two men dead , accepted terms of surrender .
13 The high point of this campaign came in the autumn of 1964 , when he made a highly publicized tour of ten Latin American countries , in which he repeatedly denounced the imperialist tendencies of the superpowers .
14 ‘ Further calls were made on the 999 system in which he repeatedly swore and mumbled about drink driving offences in the North Yorkshire police area , ’ said Mr Walker .
15 Previously regarded as a champion of glasnost for the controversial 600 Sekund programme in which he frequently had investigated the Soviet criminal underworld and corrupt officials , he had become cast in the role of chief apologist for hardline government policies after broadcasts he had made justifying January 's military crackdown in the Baltic republics .
16 Could I also say that Mr as perhaps inadvertently misguided us , there 's a hundred and forty two people work for L B A. I have seen the letters from the Chief Executive of L B A , Mr , to the Chief Executive of Hatfield in which he categorically states , people will be redeployed where possible within .
17 ‘ Abd al-Ra'uf Ghabin gave his lawyer a new signed statement in April 1991 , in which he categorically denies having withdrawn any of the allegations of torture and ill-treatment previously made .
18 X. Ray 's unshowy steadiness was right for the low time in which he newly found himself — he could put the fire out .
19 ‘ What 's this I hear of you ? ’ said Isambard in the formidably courteous voice in which he habitually gave his orders .
20 In February 1952 an attempt was made to burn down an Evangelical church in Seville , and Cardinal Segura published a virulently anti-Protestant pastoral letter , in which he effectively accused Franco of betraying the sacred identity of Spain as a Catholic nation .
21 I think the approach of parents is very often really quite a simple one erm that they have a number of very well defined expectations of the school and that is as far as one individual parent is concerned , that the parents wants the child to go to the school , he wants that child properly controlled , provided that it 's done in the way in which he particularly approves , and if you have fifteen hundred different parents there might be fourteen hundred and eighty five different techniques at work here , and then he wants the child simultaneously to be successful and happy .
22 How beautiful , how devoid of everything like the handicraft of art it is — the largeness , and yet ingenuity of its effect — the purity of its colour — the truth , yet refinement and elegance of the action , particularly of the hands ( in which he particularly excels ) ; and then , a lesson to all high-minded slovens , the patient vigilance with which the whole is linked together , by touches , in some instances small almost as a miniature , but like the sparkling of water .
23 As he reached his door he found his thoughts turning once more to the urgent problem of putting food in his belly , and a part of his mind registered with pleasure that these thoughts were at last supplanting the ones in which he alternately pined for Aset and visited unholy vengeance upon her .
24 He failed the end of year exams after the first year and changed his subject to sociology , in which he later attained a degree .
25 Heath has appended a pertinent note to his translation of Barthes 's collection of essays , Image-Music-Text , in which he scrupulously discusses the problems in lexis and idiom of translating Barthes .
26 Industrial relations , as the subject today would be described , was an area in which he instinctively felt himself at home .
27 Although initially Bush remained largely aloof from this negative campaign against Clinton , he made an emotional speech to a convention of the National Guard in Salt Lake City , Utah , on Sept. 15 in which he obliquely touched on the draft record of his opponent by questioning Clinton 's credentials as a future commander-in-chief of the US military .
28 But the real stormer from these sessions is a tune called ‘ Hittin' The Bottle Again ’ , in which he just strokes his National Steel and sings this sad , lovely song about dereliction and bar-hopping .
29 He cited as his favourite book a long novel about Lancashire and the cotton industry , which he referred to occasionally , but the great wealth of British literature was both unknown to him and something in which he clearly had no interest .
30 Hun Sen , the Premier of the State of Cambodia ( SOC ) , delivered a major speech in Phnom Penh , the capital , on March 7 in which he clearly outlined his government 's objections to the deadlocked UN peace plan .
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