Example sentences of "in [art] world [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Britain must be one of the only countries in the world where the club members manhandle the two-seater gliders all the way out to the launch point .
2 And this album continues that tradition , presenting a boggling variety of melody and pace , which , only once , on ‘ You Surround Me ’ , resorts to the awful ‘ Oxygene'-style bubbling rumble which passes for rhythm in the world where the programmer is king .
3 There are few places in the world where the costs are higher than southern California .
4 But the biggest drawback is that there are very few places left in the world where the malaria parasites ( species of Plasmodium ) have not developed resistance to them .
5 The North Sea is the only body of water in the world where the incineration of toxic waste occurs .
6 The only place in the world where the name ‘ Rapeman ’ was controversial was England ; everywhere else in the world it was of trivial importance .
7 Brazil may be the only country in the world where the top TV presenter for children 's programmes is a pouting , pulsating , scantily-dressed blonde .
8 There are now few areas in the world where the impact of the TNCs has not been researched by someone and good examples of this type of study are Kowaleski ( 1982 ) on the Caribbean , Onimode et al.
9 There is now hardly a country in the world where the TNCs are not active in some form or another .
10 The US , of course , has a written constitution — the only one in the world where the pursuit of happiness is an enshrined goal .
11 Thailand , with one of the fastest growth rates in the world over the past 25 years , has also seen one of the most rapid declines in fertility , leading to better health and education for the country 's children .
12 We all have some idea of the major events in the world over the 1970s and 1980s , though our lists would differ according to individual memory and perspective .
13 The final text leaves this clash alone , free to speak for itself in a world where the reader believes he understands Stepan better than the narrator does .
14 Only occupants of the deep oceans or the darkest recesses of caves will escape such rhythmic influences and live instead in a world where the passage of daily time has no obvious consequence and where tides have no effect .
15 New issues crowd in to join them : environmental management , repairing the damage which socialist concentration on heavy industry has inflicted on Eastern Europe , technological competition in a world where the struggle for economic supremacy is replacing the struggle for military security , migration and refugee flows on an vast scale .
16 Their views are readily recognizable in a world where the fuss about the Turin Shroud has reminded us of a time when high hopes and claims of miracle were commonly attached to pieces of the true cross or heads of John the Baptist , where much Christian literature promises believers great success in life if only they have enough faith in God , and where men and women of political power still try to have God and his Church on their side , and to use their authority to enhance their own .
17 A child in a world where the Angel had gone .
18 The latter , as will be discussed below , is particularly important in a world where the resource base is diminishing rapidly .
19 According to Sir Hector Laing , Chairman of United Biscuits : ‘ In a world where the large food companies are getting larger , backed by the cash resources of very rich large partners , it is not good enough to be a minnow : in order to compete internationally each company has to get bigger . ’
20 To Joyce , in any case , the British Union of Fascists was to seem increasingly irrelevant in a world where the beacon of National Socialism shone brightly from Berlin .
21 He lives in a world where the simplest transactions , phone calls , postal services , pensions , come in a miasma of suspicion and scepticism .
22 Half by desipience , half by proclivity , he had come to live in a world where the only significant leisure activities were coupling and consuming .
23 I bless you that you are an intellectual girl , like your mother , in an age when such spirits are rare ; in my age , they are less rare , but perhaps no more effectual because of their greater numbers , and because they operate in a world where the male principal has prevailed , even over the mentalities of many of your sex .
24 As always , it is the poor who pay the price of conflict — and there can be no end to conflict in a world where the ‘ have-nots ’ outnumber the ‘ haves ’ by four to one .
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