Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 However , arbiter theorists have no faith in the long-run neutrality of the courts .
2 One gap which exists in this range of alternatives , is that there has been no testing of the view that the explanation for recent events lies in the non-clearing nature of the labour market .
3 Gonzalo Perez was appointed by Philip II to this position in 1556 ; and from 1567 the work was controlled by two secretaries , one handling relations with the imperial , French and English courts , the other the Italian affairs which bulked so large in the Spanish scheme of things .
4 More spectacular concepts include the Spanish Government 's plan to create a multi-million pound interactive exhibit in the Spanish pavilion of the 1992 EXPO which they are hosting .
5 Some controversy arose over whether the adjective " voluntary " in the Spanish text of the agreement ( desmovilización y repatriación voluntaria ) applied to the contras ' demobilization or to their repatriation .
6 His eventual resignation followed disclosures that he and his family had , in 1990 , accepted an offer by Mona Bauwens , daughter of a prominent official in the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) , of a free and lavish holiday in the Spanish resort of Marbella .
7 Benedict Anderson notes another case in the Spanish empire of the late eighteenth century .
8 Helpless other than in the firm clasp of their hands , she was all exhilaration ; sweeping , it seemed , down a steep cylinder of ice and air .
9 The fruits of his study can , however , already be seen in the Baigneuses in the firm modelling of the figures and in the angular severity of their contours which recall in particular much of Cézanne 's portraiture of the 1880s .
10 The last public appearance of Jamie Blandford could n't be much further from the role of a young aristocrat … in the firm grip of the law and on his way to Pentonville , for not paying his wife ten thousand pounds maintenance …
11 The " movement " combined passion and responsibility in the firm purpose of instilling correct behaviour and moral reformation .
12 A true feminist morality would strive to root the abstract principles of right and wrong in the firm ground of our tangible day-to-day existence : because one of the inherent limitations of an ethic based solely on rights — whether it be the fetus 's right to life or women 's right to control our bodies — is that it is one-dimensional .
13 This causes much of the whey to be lost , resulting in the firm texture of the cheese .
14 This week , in the sad aftermath of one party too many , it 's a rather tired and emotional litany of crimes and misdemeanours that we have to recount for your delectation .
15 When she feels ready to contemplate it she may also want your help in the sad business of disposing of her husband 's clothing .
16 I would never cry at the sight of a battered Rover , nor shiver in the sad vacancy of a council estate .
17 The healing function might be allied to homoeopathy , where very small changes in the chemical composition of the water could have very specific curative effects .
18 The nostrils open into cups which can detect the most minute changes in the chemical composition of water .
19 The air samples could give scientists vital information about long-term changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere .
20 Ideals are not formed in an aseptic vacuum , but in the chemical brew of interacting personal lives and events .
21 I read oil engineering which was primarily on the production side and out of a course of thirteen , I was the only one who was interested in the chemical side of it — the refining side .
22 The course aims to foster pupils ' interest in the chemical nature of their environment through practical investigation of topics such as separation of mixtures , acids and alkalis , elements and compounds , air and water , carbon , CO2 and carbonates and reactions of metals .
23 Hinchley 's thinking was reflected in his teaching and his methods trained men to work well in the chemical industry of the day .
24 Any spontaneous pull to which he yields ( for example , a proneness due to laziness to exaggerate the difficulty of getting things done in time for the earlier flight ) will merely bias his judgement ; in the pure choice of means you either choose rationally or surrender to the spontaneous .
25 Polworth sheep , a crossbreed from the famous Merino which originated in Australia , are now bred in the pure environment of the Falkland Isles , where they mature to produce superb heavy fleeces .
26 Teething problems of a new job and country aside , he was instantly able to appreciate the technical merit of photography in the pure light of Australia .
27 As representatives of the sovereign nation whose king was a captive in Talleyrand 's chateau , the patriots claimed to supplant the structure of the ancien régime that had so signally failed in the supreme test of patriotism .
28 These two names reflect the political evolution of the parliamentary group led by Alexander Rutskoi , Communists for Democracy , at the Congress of People 's Deputies and in the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Republic .
29 Overall authority is vested in the Supreme Council of the seven emirate rulers ( each of whom is an absolute monarch in his own state ) .
30 Overall authority is vested in the Supreme Council of the seven emirate rulers ( each of whom is an absolute monarch in his own state ) .
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