Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] as he " in BNC.

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1 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
2 Her shots tore off one man 's ear and wounded another man in the buttocks as he fled from the pub .
3 Certainly he was never again to be as actively interested in the company as he was in the late 1940s .
4 It had been paced off in the sand as he announced the dimensions to the architect .
5 She caught him in the hall as he put on his hat .
6 PC Jones was knifed in the thigh as he answered a 999 call for help .
7 Now that virtue could be acknowledged in the toddler as he freely followed his own natural pursuits and interests — not excluding the exploration of his own body-the ground was finally prepared for an acceptance of babies ' desires as needs in themselves : ‘ Babies want attention ; they probably need plenty of it ’ ( Children 's Bureau , 1945 ) .
8 In a separate incident , a pensioner was knifed in the head as he sat on a street bench .
9 A shot of a police station was used to accompany a voice-over commentary that " some CID men take bribes " ; for two and a half seconds , the officer could be identified in the film as he walked down the station steps .
10 Murray reached for the mop but Richard pulled it away and squeezed it out in the bucket as he had seen the maids do .
11 Its gondolier stands in the stern as he always did , clad now in jeans , shirt and straw hat , clad once in jerkin , feathered cap and parti-coloured hose .
12 A BOY of 12 crashed a stolen car yesterday — then left a pal trapped in the wreck as he fled .
13 ‘ I enjoy cooking , ’ said the £8 million player , who is equally at home in the kitchen as he is displaying his skills for Juventus .
14 Billie heard the housekeeper ask Adam in the kitchen as he followed her through for a new packet of cigarettes .
15 THE policeman injured in a chase in the East End accidentally shot himself in the groin as he leapt from a car .
16 So I smiled nervously and slammed him in the mouth with the metal box , trying to kick him in the groin as he sagged , but his heavy overcoat protected him well .
17 New recruit , David Byrne , sliced in the ball as he tried to clear .
18 They stood in the darkness as he replaced the fading batteries .
19 I remember once having to chase a man who had done something nasty to someone , and losing him in the darkness as he dashed down a cobbled mews .
20 Peter McBride , who has two young children , was hit in the back as he sprinted away from a Scots Guards patrol in Belfast 's republican New Lodge area .
21 Three people were shot dead by police , including local DP leader Arben Broxhi , who was reportedly shot in the back as he tried to calm the rioters ; a fourth person died of bullet wounds in hospital on April 4 .
22 A WOMAN stabbed her husband in the back as he laughed at her , a court heard .
23 He saw his reflection in the mirror as he was adjusting his collar ; not only had his side-whiskers grown while he had been ill , there was also a growth of beard on his chin .
24 He glanced in the mirror as he passed it and straightened his glasses .
25 There was rage on Berger 's face in the mirror as he touched his cheek .
26 ‘ I do n't know what 's got into you , May , ’ he shouted , shaking his fist in the air as he set off in pursuit .
27 I stood leaning on the staff , grinning and throwing an arm in the air as he approached , but he and his companion never so much as looked as they sped back to Adrar .
28 Above all , she loved his Italian mannerisms : hands cupped together in a pleading gesture when she was slow to understand something or arms flailing in the air as he enthused about the beauty of Capri , the magnificence of St Peter 's — anything , so long as it was Italian .
29 Tesselmann grabbed at the handle of the freight car and hauled himself off the ground , his legs swinging precariously in the air as he tried to clasp his other hand around the handle .
30 Mr Hardiman took off his spectacles again , and waved them in the air as he continued : ‘ Now we come to a more problematic matter .
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