Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 In the West although we are only 20 per cent of the world 's 3,000 million we have 90 per cent of the world 's income , 90 per cent of its gold reserves , 95 per cent of its scientific knowledge , 70 per cent of its meat and 80 per cent of its protein . ’
2 Such a girl would be much admired in the West and we would think her very beautiful indeed . ’
3 Well I think that we have shown that we 're prepared to support Gorbachev in so far as er peace reform in the Soviet Union , but I think we 've got to look towards our own security in the West and we 've done very well with NATO , with the defensive block NATO over the last 40 years or so , and until we can have cast iron guarantees that Gorbachev is going to be secure and that he 's actually going to carry out his promises we 've got to keep our guard up .
4 sometimes there are odd days in the vac when we do other things and we shut , you
5 ‘ John was away a great deal , Laura and I travelled to join him in the constituency when we could and inevitably there was uncertainty and strain in the air . ’
6 I 'm in the saddle and we have work to do .
7 We have set out to have specialised knowledge of the technology used in the industries that we serve .
8 Parents will be seated in the Gallery but we will be happy to make arrangements in advance for anyone unable to go upstairs .
9 And we 've got other cookies in the basket that we 're not even aware of yet !
10 The culture-ideology of consumerism proclaims , literally , that the meaning of life is to be found in the things that we possess .
11 In the case when we shall have deformations and is given by The components of are somewhat similar in form to those in the last example .
12 Now what happens in the mantle is extremely important , because it is in the mantle that we have to look for the mechanism behind Plate Tectonics .
13 The plan is not a blueprint for the future , it stresses , merely the starting signal for a process in which dialogue and choices made by individuals , private industry and government will shape the environmental programmes : ‘ What we want to do , in the realization that we do not understand all the relationships , is to indicate the conditions under which an environmental quality can be attained that will provide future generations with as many options as possible . ’
14 And I 'll go in the suit until we reach the ambush point .
15 That 's well over ninety percent of the cases have been dealt with in the er , in the timescale that we 've set out and agreed with the health authority .
16 Doris stopped us in the hall when we came in , loaded down under a small tree and a carrier-bag full of bits and pieces we 'd seen and liked , and , inevitably in our mood of reckless gaiety , bought .
17 In the contract that we negotiated we could not alter the content of the service provided by Devon social services but we could influence the nature and speed of delivery and of communication .
18 We have to state in the contract that we are not liable for misrepresentation in a third-party brochure .
19 I it sounds very well in principle , but in practice I have n't , doubt very much whether or not we will avoid having a , a dint in , in the service that we need .
20 You know only right in the middle and we used to jump off the Suspension Bridge regular , some used to dive , but I never did dive there .
21 Erm , just to pull back a bit then , I mean , two things seem to , I mean have we , what is our view on you putting Sarah in the middle if we do n't recruit , and two , do n't we need , probably the four of us to look at current resources
22 I think both in the lay person , as you say , it will be more immediately obvious what a computer 's doing if you have a visual display , but even in the scientific approaches then I think the ability to present graphical information rapidly and change erm the function that you 're looking at is also very important and , for instance in the teaching that we do here , then one of the things that we 're very keen on is using computes to show graphically sort of functions that you meet in mathematics and physics .
23 They are not actually all that difficult , as we 've been finding in the teaching that we 've been doing where indeed we have students who take a ten week course , sort of once a week , and by about week six they 're already beginning to do that , they 're beginning to work out their own problems erm puzzles and games and little language understanding programs and that 's commonplace , actually .
24 Well it makes , it makes a difference in the content , it makes a difference in the topics that we cover , that we 're interested in .
25 It has been possible , relatively simply , to prescribe most qualifying lenders on the face of the Bill , but I hope that the Opposition and others will understand that provision for others , including some institutional and centralised lenders , can be made in the regulations that we shall introduce in due course .
26 Andy 's wife Caroline is in the Alps and we talk enviously of her good fortune .
27 We see it in the newspapers and we see it among politicians particularly , who say things they really do not mean , or things they do not even understand … .
28 Now he 's in the limelight and we 'll have everything he can throw at us — hardly a recipe fro the group 's long standing .
29 more than seemed to be indicated in the figures that we 've got , because Buck 's figures for the extent of supplementary income are I know they 're significant but they 're not enough to the kinds of levels people had been living at .
30 There had been a rash of petty thefts in the hotel and we were all warned to be vigilant .
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