Example sentences of "a large [adv] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 There were also suggestions that Telefunken is already going cool on the terms of the compromise because they would not allow the West German group a large enough share of work on what is regarded as one of the key military avionics technologies .
2 There were also suggestions that Telefunken is already going cool on the terms of the compromise because they would not allow the West German group a large enough share of work on what is regarded as one of the key military avionics technologies .
3 Questionnaires , interviews , etc. should be planned with extreme care ( a pilot survey is indispensable in almost every circumstance ) , and must be completed by , administered to , etc. a large enough proportion of the total of users to render the results statistically valid .
4 If we had a large enough sample of observations on Y t , X t and Z t we would expect a linear regression of Y t on X t and Z t to yield the result that the estimates of 1 and 22 were the same — except for sampling variation — if it really is true that .
5 However , so few of the possible quadgrams occur in the LOB ( and of those found , 70% only occur once ) that it would appear that the LOB corpus is not a large enough sample of text to provide a reliable quadgram model .
6 Parents with an existing mortgage are eligible , so long as they still own a large enough chunk of the equity .
7 It will never be a large enough part of the family budget to create an adequate financial incentive for people to change their ways .
8 Given a large enough supply of machine catalogues and enough flexibility of mind to give yourself different problems , an inventive woodworker could spend the entire winter playing this game .
9 Unfortunately , we 're not yet able to get a large enough supply of completely CFC-free material , but do hope to be able to in the near future .
10 This implies that the Estate Agents ' dictionary does not cover a large enough subset of the language used in the Banking text to provide significantly representative collocations .
11 But , obviously , do not wash all the media in one go : stagger the chambers at weekly intervals , so there will always be a large enough population of nitrifying bacteria left .
12 A sequence of mild winters with low deer mortality and declining competition from sheep have contributed to this increase , but the main cause is the consistent failure of many estates to balance the number of stags shot with a large enough cull of hinds — a labour-intensive process with small returns from the sale of venison .
13 Since a year last August scientists working on UA1 and UA2 have been putting the finishing touches to their apparatus , and at the same time machine physicists at CERN have been working to get a large enough number of collisions in the SPS .
14 However , he also feels that there will be a large enough number of users wanting to migrate towards a mixed vendor environment to ensure the future of APPI .
15 The advantage of running a competition is that it should be cost effective if the cost of the prizes is spread over a large enough number of entrants .
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