Example sentences of "a long [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If I 'm very lucky , she thought , I might just avoid being turned into a long smear of guts and blood .
2 He uses a special tool called a cheese iron to pull a long plug of cheese out of one truckle from each day 's production .
3 He uncorked his canteen and took a long drink of water .
4 There is a long run of teak grabrail on each side of the coachroof and the side decks and foredeck are skinned with laid teak , as are the cockpit seats and sole .
5 And there he has obstinately been retained , despite a long run of failure unprecedented in my experience among specialist batsmen .
6 Facing the front of the Post Office was a long row of seal-makers and scribes squatting in the dust with their customers .
7 The experimental method is basically to lay out a long row of test-tubes each containing a solution of RNA-replicase , and also of raw materials , small molecules that can be used for RNA synthesis .
8 Against the wall were ranged , in regular array , a long row of elm boards cut into the same shape : looking , in the dim light , like high-shouldered ghosts with –heir hands in their breeches-pockets .
9 He gestured towards the first of a long row of recuperation pods , where Christine LaFayette 's face was visible through a clear plastic window .
10 He put up his hands and found it was a long strand of seaweed .
11 In the suspended moment Jess saw a long strand of cobweb stretching from window to floor , flecks of dust spinning in a shaft of sunlight , her petticoat in a ball against a pile of hay , the filthy shirt on the nail where she 'd hung it the night before .
12 Her eyes opened and she saw that he had tugged a long strand of hair free and was playing it between his fingers .
13 The vacuum cleaner , sensing her lack of concentration , took advantage of it to munch and slaver up a long strand of rug fringe : there was a smell of burning rubber .
14 There 's a long bit of ash on the end of her fag , and when she talks it falls off onto the chickens .
15 What a long bit of New York , I thought .
16 ‘ The hammer ’ , Hortensia said , ‘ is actually a ruddy great cannon-ball on the end of a long bit of wire , and the thrower whisks it round and round his or her head faster and faster and then lets it go .
17 A long experience of management problems with a child , for instance , increased the chance that a crisis such as the child 's arrest for a criminal offence would provoke an episode of depression in the mother .
18 Most of this is in the northwest where there has been a long history of land-use , involving both degradation and successful reclamation .
19 The observation that despite increased stool frequency , stool weight was not greater in the patients is likely to reflect dietary changes , which inevitably occur in patients with a long history of diarrhoea .
20 Afghanistan has had a long history of neutrality and non-alignment which Soviet leaders have assiduously fostered .
21 Egypt is another example of a country which , like Pakistan and China , has a long history of irrigation , in this case in the Nile Valley ( section 3.4.2 ) beginning some 5 kyr BP .
22 Robert , a man in his late twenties with a long history of occult involvement , grew up in what he now knows to be one of the most haunted farmhouses in Lancashire on the Fylde coast .
23 Most , if not all , of the more seriously disadvantaged areas have experienced a long history of marginalisation and of dependence on distant or alien authorities .
24 She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters : from her mother dying when she was six years old , through to the latest traumas of seeing her cat killed by a car and being made redundant .
25 It was a fall down the cellar steps of one of these houses which started a long history of back trouble .
26 In the secondary sector they have a long history of influence as local employers .
27 Similarly , Pound and her colleagues ( 1985 ) found that a long history of depressive illness in a mother , or a combination of depression and personality problems , was associated with problems ( especially of sleeping ) in her children .
28 There is a long history of concern for the potential significance of childhood parental loss through separation or death , and the development of emotional and behavioural problems in childhood and later life .
29 Start2 builds on a long history of arms accords and summits between Moscow and Washington .
30 There is a long history of members of the aristocracy seeking an alternative Merovingian lord ; effectively it begins with Arcadius calling Childebert into the Auvergne .
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