Example sentences of "a number [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although essentially separate and independent , they share a number of resources including the central criminal record department , the police national computer and the national reporting centre .
2 When dealing with the violent and destructive there seem to be a number of rules to be followed :
3 The process of normalisation is the application of a number of rules to the relational model which will simplify the relations .
4 The point is of some importance since a number of rules of procedure are growing to be applicable to Cabinet Committees and we ought to know where there is a real , useful distinction or whether it is merely the pragmatical difference that some are serviced by the Cabinet Office and some are not .
5 There are a number of rules for calculating oxidation numbers .
6 Sheila Payne suggests a number of reasons for this : the side effects of the drugs become more distressing ; patients are aware that they will have to go through further courses of similar treatment and feel gloomy at the prospect ; and they receive less support from health professionals than at the start .
7 There are a number of reasons for these differences although not all can be fully explained .
8 There are a number of reasons for this .
9 There are a number of reasons for this which could take all day to expound , but the main reason and the one I shall elaborate is that industrialised agriculture nearly always consumes more energy than it produces and is living off capital in the form of fossil fuels .
10 There may be a number of reasons for this .
11 There may be a number of reasons for keeping a personal diary .
12 There are a number of reasons for this :
13 There are a number of reasons for incontinence , and these come under two broad headings , physical and environmental .
14 There are a number of reasons for breaking the existing cycle , and replacing it with a system in which people would work for so many hours a month , not necessarily as many as at present .
15 There are a number of reasons for this failure .
16 There are a number of reasons for this advice .
17 They suggest a number of reasons for this .
18 There are a number of reasons for this and Malina is aware of how such phenomena as poverty , crowded home conditions and poor diet can affect physical performances .
19 There may be a number of reasons for this , but a very likely one relates to the whole question of our treatment of people within the community who are different .
20 There were a number of reasons for this subtle change .
21 There are a number of reasons for this optimism .
22 It is possible to suggest a number of reasons for this .
23 There were a number of reasons for this , some of which have been uncovered earlier in the book :
24 There are a number of reasons for tutors ' apparent retreat to the classroom , among which may be increasing administrative demands on their time and/or lack of opportunities for recent clinical experience .
25 That 's a very good question , there 's a number of reasons for it happening , erm it might be that the groove , the , the socket bit is very shallow , like a shallow tea cup and the hip , the leg bone does n't stay in it properly , does that make sense to you ?
26 There are a number of reasons for this , not the least of which is that the statement is protected by professional privilege . ’
27 There are a number of reasons for thinking that such information transmission may be easier to manage if it occurs within firms than if it is subject to market transactions , and this means that there is a case for thinking that R&D activities ( particularly the D ) may have to be part of a vertically related structure that extends back into important input markets , and forward into downstream consumer markets ( see Teece , 1986 , Geroski , 1992 , and Jorde and Teece , 1990 , who apply these arguments to the antitrust treatment of co-operative R&D ventures ) .
28 There are a number of reasons for expecting the prices of index futures to adjust faster than the spot price , i.e. the market index .
29 There were a number of reasons for this .
30 There are a number of reasons for this .
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