Example sentences of "a way that [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , if a police officer is suddenly told by control that the member of the public with whom he is dealing may be suffering from a mental disorder , he may start to deal with that individual differently , and in a way that may not be particularly helpful .
2 From this point of view there is room for the state to assume an interventionist role for the many in a way that may well eat into the freedoms of the few who exercise private , economic power — power that many constitutional authorities are actually concerned to protect and defend through their stress on the importance of liberty , and constitutional limitations on taxation , state intervention , parliamentary sovereignty , and the play of democratic politics itself .
3 She would have to go carefully , ask her questions in a way that would n't make him suspicious , maybe change the subject for now .
4 ‘ The fire had the effect of attracting ministerial attention to Hampton Court in a way that would not otherwise have happened , ’ said Genie Turton , under-secretary at the Department of the Environment .
5 If you give me leave , I will do it in a way that would not dishonour your forebears . ’
6 The expansion of the study of family history in recent years , and the coming together of historical and sociological concerns in this field in particular , makes it possible at least to attempt answers to these questions in a way that would not have been possible even ten years ago , for lack of appropriate sources of evidence .
7 However , it also had to act in a way that would not jeopardize its chance of winning the next election .
8 Edberg moves gracefully and speedily over the grass in a way that would surely be the envy of a Torville and Dean .
9 Western diplomats have concluded that the Soviet Union 's proposal to stage a ‘ Helsinki II ’ summit next year is primarily aimed at eliminating any ambiguities about the ‘ inner-German ’ frontier , and enshrining the existence of the two German states in the Helsinki Declaration in a way that would virtually rule out reunification .
10 It can bring together polar opposites in a way that would never happen in London or LA , where musicians hang out with their own kind .
11 It is also noticeable that many incidents of prison disorder — especially the popular form of demonstration on the prison rooftop — are clearly motivated by the very desire to make prisoners ' grievances and allegations visible in a way that would never normally happen .
12 Said John Thompson , IBM vice-president and Application Business Systems general manager , ‘ We will implement RISC [ on the AS/400 ] , but not until it catches up with the AS/400 architecture , which we think is more advanced … and until we can do it in a way that wo n't disrupt the customer 's applications . ’
13 Mother Francis the celibate nun who had never thought she could know the joy of seeing a child grow up in her care had loved Eve in a way that might well have made her blind to the feelings and sensitivities of other people .
14 My concern about the caravan site was only a kind of self-importance , and , as a result of my terrible selfishness poor Tom had been frightened in a way that might well scar him for much longer than that little stone .
15 This humble record — the date stamp — should not be undervalued , since a loan history on the book may be correlated during the weeding process with other factors ( physical condition , the content of other shelf stock ) in a way that can not be achieved through automated systems .
16 This quantum will disturb the particle and change its velocity in a way that can not be predicted .
17 This great designer has an uncanny ability to capture the prevailing mood of the moment and to rework it in a way that can suddenly seem understandable , even wearable , and invariably highly influential .
18 He followed the flickering light and the acrid smoke that drifted back , marking its path in a way that could not be faked like the bleeper .
19 What we therefore need to do is to print it out in a way that will not only show the grid , but be big enough to follow easily whilst knitting .
20 First , that , where possible , money should be raised in a way that will not damage the working of the economy .
21 I also have a personal interest in seeing that the development goes ahead in a way that will only enhance the town . ’
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