Example sentences of "a way [that] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He smiled in a way that had charmed the matrons of Europe , and led Hyacinth over to the cameras .
2 If you are sincerely dieting in a way that has led you to lose weight in the past , just stick with the same regime for a further week or two .
3 However , the fires of the Rising and exposure to the weather in the years immediately after contributed to the decay of the stonework of the facade in a way that has made it hazardous in recent years .
4 Economic decline is tangled up with political turmoil in a way that has made for a crisis of the constitution .
5 2 Most socialists have become increasingly critical of the monopolistic and authoritarian role of Communist parties in one-party systems in a way that has made them cast doubt on the desirability of insurrection .
6 Britain is seen as having surrendered power to the Common Market in a way that has limited our freedom of manoeuvre and turned us into a colony of an embryonic West European federal state .
7 Government response to the crisis has hit the poor in a way that has become all too familiar in the Third World .
8 This is not to say that the Government has not also been pursuing other policies , such as the wider spread of home ownership , that have been beneficial to many working-class people , but the approach has been implemented in a way that has isolated the underclass still further .
9 In consequence , there has been the pretence that a single perspective grounded in the nineteenth century can capture the essentials of things today , and so constitutional theory has itself been frozen in a way that has confined the parameters of constitutional debate .
10 The men sport black coats and long beards and dedicate their lives to prayer in a way that has changed little in 250 years .
11 The famous EGG formula — ‘ ethnicity , gender and geography ’ — has slowed the process of appointments in a way that has hurt the administration .
12 We have privatised British Gas and the electricity industry in a way that has opened these markets to competition .
13 In the past , presidential wives have made an impression but usually in a way that has drawn fierce criticism , mainly because they pretended they were n't an influence on their husbands .
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