Example sentences of "a time when [noun prp] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But it also lay in the European view , at a time when Kissinger was hard at work with his piecemeal diplomacy , that a comprehensive approach rather than a step-by-step strategy was the essential road to peace .
2 One favourite medium of attack in Iraq was the newspaper cartoon , with spectacularly uncomplimentary portrayals in the Baath Party newspaper al-Thawrah of the three chief objects of the leadership 's hostility — Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin , Syria 's President Hafez al-Asad and of course Khomeini , on one occasion presented , at a time when Iran was widely reported to be cutting oil prices to boost sales volume , as a door-to-door kerosine street pedlar calling out , ‘ Naft !
3 At a time when Europe is moving ever closer towards economic union we are faced with a stark choice of either improving our economic performance or watching the UK become a marginalised and minor economic player .
4 Kohl hopes that the council will become a way to revive these links at a time when Europe is very much looking inwards .
5 Modern human fossils 100000 years old are known and humans were widespread in southern Africa by 50 000 years ago at a time when Europe was still populated by the related Neanderthals .
6 For I come from a time when your novel is generally acknowledged as a masterpiece of literature and prophetic insight , a time when Frankenstein is as familiar a name to the literate as Gulliver or Robinson Crusoe is to you ! ’
7 It is significant that in July 1939 , at a time when Stalin was actively negotiating the Nazi-Soviet pact with Hitler , Nizan was quoting Zhdanov to the effect that the finalising of the tripartite peace agreement was being held up solely by the delaying tactics of France and Great Britain .
8 In another change of tack — there was a time when OS/2 was the whole future as far as the company was concerned , Microsoft Corp is switching its signals and is now making it clear that it expects MS-DOS users to prepare to switch to Windows NT .
9 Her research is meticulous , she has some very interesting new sources ( notably Venetia 's letters to Montagu at a time when Asquith was writing three or four times a day to her , but subsequently destroying her replies to these letters ) , and she mostly writes sensitively .
10 I think there is some truth in that , all the more so , I 'm afraid , at a time when Britain is borrowing more than £50 billion a year , and there 's a resistance to any reallocation of resources .
11 It was not until the 1930s that a more effective fascist organization , the British Union of Fascists ( BUF ) , was formed under the leadership of Oswald Mosley , at a time when Britain was attempting to deal with the unemployment of between 20 and 23 per cent .
12 More than 7,000 young men spent time at American air bases in Alabama , Georgia , Florida and South Carolina , learning the arts of flying at a time when Britain was desperately short of qualified pilots .
13 The threat comes at a time when BA is putting on extra flights to cover the rush , which would have seen 100,000 passengers a day at Heathrow alone .
14 This was a reference to Mr Mellor 's month-long holiday in Spain in August 1990 — paid for by Mona Bauwens , daughter of the PLO 's chief fund-raiser , at a time when Iraq was invading Kuwait .
15 As a further precaution , the addresses of Israeli staff were not printed in official diplomatic lists for fear of encouraging the impulsive gesture at a time when Israel was being a little hard to take .
16 Some elements in the Argentine military , along with members of the opposition UCR , characterized the abandonment of the missile programme as a capitulation to US demands , and described it as an irresponsible move at a time when Chile was suspected to be seeking a new missile .
17 It is perhaps ironic that Neal — so critical of the selections of Revie and Robson — arrives back on the England scene at a time when Taylor is coming in for internal FA criticism for picking too many players .
18 The MHW decision on haemophiliacs comes at a time when Japan is beginning to accept AIDS as a national health problem .
19 At a time when Martins were judged by musicians to be rather leaden and toneless , their takeover of Levin would appear to be a feature of commercial paranoia , since the Goliath series were made from beautifully matched woods , had enviable straight spruce tops , bound necks and a high standard of finish .
20 This has led to particularly large reductions in the ‘ over-allocations ’ to the four Thames RHAs , at a time when London was undergoing further population loss .
21 Lyell 's second volume raised the question of the geographical distribution of species at a time when Darwin was well placed to study this phenomenon .
22 The incidents came at a time when Sellafield was already facing prosecution for allegedly not taking proper safety precautions at its high-level waste processing plant ( see above ) and when it is seeking new authorisations for discharges into the air .
23 He also moderated political conduct , mediating peace between Ecgfrith and Aethelred in 679 following the battle of the Trent at a time when Ecgfrith was otherwise honour-bound to pursue hostilities to avenge Aelfwine ( HE IV , 21 ) .
24 And at a time when Furtwängler was out of fashion in Britain and America it was not unusual to be told that he rarely managed to play two successive bars in the same tempo .
25 IT has taken a year for the new formula to be agreed — at a time when ITN was coping with a budget squeeze in the wake of the crippling cost of covering the Gulf War .
26 At a time when Portugal was still living under a dictatorship in which homespun nationalist values were lauded , she was criticised for lavishing large budgets on a series of international music festivals .
27 There was a time when Charles was coasting at school and if I had been working , I would have told him to buckle down — which would have done no good at all .
28 Much of Bosnia belonged to the medieval Croatian kingdom between the ninth and eleventh centuries , at a time when Hercegovina was largely incorporated into the contemporary Serbian kingdoms .
29 The second example was of a time when Caesar was ill , and cried to Titinius to get him a drink , as feebly as a woman might ( says Cassius ) , and he bore his illness in a cowardly way .
30 For works written at a time when Beethoven was still in his middle period , the lyricism in the works is extraordinary .
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