Example sentences of "a long [noun] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Cindy gave him a long look through her sunglasses .
2 Sam took a long look at her face .
3 Watching it takes you into the mind of Ramanujan as surely as a long look into his eyes .
4 In the hall she wraps a long scarf round her neck and puts on a cream-coloured quilted cotton jacket , with wide shoulders and inset sleeves , and lets herself out by the front door .
5 She took a long drink of her tea and then continued , ‘ Anyway , she 'll go before long , never fear . ’
6 Geoffrey took a long drink of his whisky .
7 This denigration of " the great emperor 's weak son " had a long run for its money .
8 Resuming the journey from Stone House Bridge , the road now starts a long climb to its summit , rising gently at first and with the Dee an inseparable companion alongside .
9 Kate took a long pull on her cigarette and sighed .
10 Aunt Tossie took a long pull at her drink .
11 Dalziel took a long pull at his pint and sighed happily .
12 Mr Beckenham took a long pull at his flask , and then carefully topped it up from the bottle .
13 The next day I had to wear a long Kamiz over my trousers and have a scarf covering my head — can you imagine going to school like that …
14 Woolley side-slipped and fell behind it , then climbed and injected a long burst into its belly , searching forwards until he saw the bullets slashing up between the wing-roots .
15 Sunnie , who had lung cancer , waged a long campaign for her husband 's release .
16 Nick Brown was cleared of drugs charges in Goa , but has only just been allowed home after a long campaign by his mother .
17 I discovered that for quite a long part of their career , every Simon and Garfunkel recording used a set of distinctive and unusual percussion sounds .
18 To take one example , in November 1987 the North-West Regional News introduced by Stuart Hall had a long feature as their opening item :
19 In a long feature by its news editor , it gave all the facts about the neutron bomb and the conclusions to be drawn from them .
20 Take a long in-breath through your nose .
21 The driving force behind the transactional approach with which we undertake a study of the fans is , of course , Howard Becker , and although this is not the place to enter into a long discussion of his contribution to a more radical sociology , some brief attention must be given to his work ( Becker , 1963 ) .
22 It had been a long day for our guests , as they had left La Loupe at 1Opm on the Friday evening , so it was home to bed for a good night 's sleep , ready for a full day exploring on the Sunday .
23 Throughout the meeting he has been observing one student , possibly in his thirties , who sits in a long wheelchair with his legs straight , parallel with the floor .
24 Martha saved herself from relegation to a junior class by reciting the whole of Psalm 103 , one of Nana 's favourites , in morning assembly ; after this feat her teacher had a long conversation above her head with her mother , and began to come to their house on Saturdays to give her extra lessons .
25 There is no gainsaying the fact that London-born Eleanor Bowen has come a long way since her last exhibition at the Durham Art Gallery some eight years ago .
26 Spices certainly have come a long way since their early days , when they were a rare commodity and it was considered an honour to receive them as a gift .
27 He had come a long way since his early days as a security guard with a small outfit , had climbed with Buckmaster .
28 So , how does the G M B best get over the message to the mem non- members because unions have progressed a long way since our founder , Will Thorne , collected subs in a bucket .
29 ‘ We demonstrated that we have come a long way since our first game in Zimbabwe .
30 Nesting on a high ledge a long way above our tent were two lammergeirs — yellow-bellied vultures .
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