Example sentences of "a group [prep] [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 She reacted " with repulsion " to a televised appearance by Saddam chatting to a group of hostages on Aug. 23 , but Western governments were concerned to prevent their policy being dictated by concern over the possible implications for their nationals being held hostage .
2 He edged his way through the standing drinkers and for a moment she thought he was going to join her , but he merely nodded and drifted down the room , taking up a position by the wall where he seemed to become engrossed in watching the efforts of a group of youngsters on the one-armed bandit .
3 A second Gloucestershire social worker has been sacked for smoking cannabis while in charge of a group of youngsters on holiday in Devon .
4 And had not a pupil of the Arden Convent school complained that he had pinched her bottom while conducting a group of girls on a tour round the Palace of Westminster ?
5 But the officer continued to look out of the window , while the Feldwebel slapped his knee with enthusiasm and , pointing to a group of civilians on a corner of the pavement , nudged the driver in the ribs .
6 Richard Barnet joined a group of holidaymakers on a visit to the Cotswolds , as they toured three very different gardens .
7 She was heading for the supermercado when a flaxen-haired man with a teak-dark tan waved vigorously from beyond a group of onlookers on the opposite side of the square .
8 Gado Boube , the Minister of Education and Research , and his permanent secretary were taken hostage by a group of students on July 14 .
9 I would argue at least that concentrating a group of students on one course should enable our scholarships staff both to tailor a more relevant course and to provide a better service to students .
10 Fighting , stealing , homicide and rape were usually either individual initiatives or a group of friends on the rampage .
11 So you would feel equally at home there with a group of friends on a night out or just popping in for a quiet drink and a chat .
12 A group of youths on motor-scooters roared past , but otherwise few people were about .
13 Sometimes with the test programme the contractor provides a set of diagnostic tables that point to a group of components on the circuit board to be considered suspect for each failed test .
14 People finally settled on a kind of threshing movement of both arms , which , when combined with the crouch , made the congregation look like a group of canoeists on a particularly tough stretch of water .
15 She has even taken a group of clients on holiday .
16 The story-line follows the adventures of a group of characters on a weekend minibus trip to Oxford , where a number of amusing situations arise against the picturesque background of the university city .
17 It follows the fortunes ( and misfortunes ! ) of a group of characters on a lively weekend minibus trip to Oxford .
18 The McGuire et al 's study looked at the medication regimen of a group of patients on admission and on discharge .
19 But then I noticed a group of children on the other side of the square , pointing and laughing .
20 A comparison of the scores achieved by a group of children on the two different versions of the tests would provide an indication of the internal reliability of the test .
21 As they entered the salon , the two gunmen ran past a group of children on their way home from school .
22 He was crossing the road to join his father , who was standing with a group of men on the other side .
23 Request for preservation of a group of trees on the west side of Wester Hailes Road and approximately mid way between the east of Viewfield Road and the Baberton Mains Roundabout .
24 From a black perspective you 're up against a white power structure and it does n't really matter whether you 're being beaten up or abused by the police or by a group of kids on the street , it all comes down to the same thing — racism .
25 The majority of comments below relate , therefore , to the online services , but there are also a group of comments on external libraries , on external information services , and two miscellaneous comments .
26 BEAT bobby PC Ged Kirkbright has been voted man of the match by a group of schoolchildren on his patch .
27 The other five Israelis escaped , but one , Yair Yitzhaki , was again abducted by another JKLF group which eventually released him to a group of journalists on July 3 .
28 Lists survive from a group of churches on the Welsh border in the mid and late eleventh century ; most passed by hereditary succession .
29 A member of the central committee of the Iran Communist Party and of its Kurdish guerrilla section Komaleh , Bahman Javadi , was shot dead on Aug. 26 , 1989 , by a group of gunmen on the streets of Larnaca in Cyprus .
30 The frequency of this rhythmic activity is determined by a group of cells on the greater curvature which have been called the gastric pacemaker .
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