Example sentences of "a [det] [noun] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 Right , I 'll have a little rest before I turn the T V off .
2 That created a little space and I just hit the ball .
3 ‘ When a black kid does see a black athlete , such as myself , a role model if you like , that might be enough to spark a little interest and I thank that the more blacks that you see in tennis , it will promote black tennis further . ’
4 He turned away for a few moments and I could see that he was upset by the news .
5 Mrs Rumney looked at me in silence for a few moments and I saw in her face the dawning of relief and hope .
6 I 've done nothing since Cape Town except swing a golf club and sink a few tins and I 'm enjoying myself . ’
7 We did so , heaving and pushing until the bed moved a few inches and I saw the slight scorch mark on the stone floor beneath .
8 I 've spoken to right er and owes me a few favours and I 've said er would you consider her completing her training until the end of May middle of May which she does at the and then if she 's any good , take her on , providing she gets a driving licence .
9 There are going to be quite a few discharges but I mean it was you know
10 No I 'm not : first I 'm going to wander round Bristol and try and get myself a job , then I 'm going to persuade the manager to give me an advance of a few pounds so I can get myself something to eat and find somewhere to stay .
11 It seemed impossible that only a few hours before I had been happy in my cell at the aerodrome .
12 He called on me at the apartment a few hours before I left for the airport .
13 We 're seeing just a few cases and I do n't deny the fact that occasionally there are bullies in the Army .
14 Pass a few exams and I 'd do lots of shows and festivals when I 've won money for my dance school .
15 I 'd pass a few ex a few exams and I 'd do lots of shows and festivals and I 've won money for my dance school .
16 It was happening with a few students because I was still teaching for two or three months after ‘ Surfing ’ was released .
17 Erm so I 've bought a few bottles and I do n't
18 Can you excuse me for a few minutes while I have a word with the others and then I 'll be straight back to you ? ’
19 Just give me a few minutes while I get dressed and I shall be ready to go with you .
20 A few minutes after I had told him I was n't going on , a gang of his thugs suddenly appeared and pointed machine-guns at us and ordered us to get up on stage .
21 I 'll be able to model your gown ; it 's right at the end of the show , so I 'll have a few minutes after I 've finished Roman 's clothes . ’
22 Rather unfairly , as he had been very nice that morning , it was a few minutes before I remembered there was a third guest present .
23 A storm arrives from the west , the snow falling so thickly in a few minutes that I fear I will lose my way .
24 It 's only for a few minutes till I buy these and then you can have a turn at walking .
25 I could get to the car-park in a few minutes if I wanted to and be near him , thinking of him — his problems over , lying on the brown eiderdown in his blue pyjamas .
26 I 've got a meeting in a few minutes and I — ’
27 He was alone for just a few minutes and I made my offer .
28 A few minutes and I was shaking his hand , completely dumbfounded by the physical perfection of the man , his elegance , his charm .
29 Just sit there quietly for a few minutes and I 'll see if the doctor is free . ’
30 ‘ He did make things difficult for a few minutes and I did consider having him fired from the chamber .
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