Example sentences of "a [noun prp] [noun] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 RICHARD Wallace , the British Lions ' replacement wing for the injured Ian Hunter , learned about his emergency call-up in a Moscow bar called Rosie O'Grady 's — a great place for an Irishman to discover that his summer plans were cancelled .
2 He said he warned Mrs Bevins there were ‘ one or two risque ’ photos of a Moscow prostitute called Sonja .
3 Plans in August to become tutor to the children of a Derbyshire widow called Elizabeth Evans quickly foundered ( although Mrs Evans greatly admired Coleridge ) , and by the beginning of September he was speaking in decided terms of opening a day-school in Derby .
4 His reading of Voltaire 's Philosophical Dictionary made him briefly an atheist ( Boyer beat religion back into him , to lifelong effect ) , but of more lasting consequence was his discovery of twenty-one sonnets by a Wiltshire clergyman called William Lisle Bowles ( 1762–1850 ) .
5 Waterman was secretly working with a Midlands band called Abracadabra on a version of the Abba classic Dancing Queen and when the Swedish group 's record company found out they tried to spoil his plans .
6 Her faithful shadow , a Yorkshire terrier called Heathcliffe , was just as confused ; and the time that we had arranged to meet for lunch was fast approaching .
7 In 1948 , a Troon lawyer called George Hamilton , set out to revive the Kilwinning Society and called a public meeting in Kilwinning , at which it was reconstituted .
8 Now the freehold 's been sold to a Salisbury firm called Sarum Heritage Limited , and the new landlord 's told him to pay 1500 pounds by the end of this month or risk losing his home .
9 As far as I know , the first person to discuss black holes was a Cambridge man called John Michell , who wrote a paper about them in 1783 .
10 It was the trial of a Hartlepool solicitor called Bloom .
11 John has published two books of autobiography and was the star of a BBC documentary called Everest the Hard Way .
12 The magazine had first taken note of him in his Student whizz-kid incarnation , when Branson had appeared in a BBC documentary entitled Men of the Future .
13 We 'd worked together on a BBC play called Shiftwork and he had a slightly wry , sullen world-weariness about him which reminded me of so many downtrodden husbands .
14 A couple of years later I was telephoned by a BBC producer called Ron Webster , who said he wanted to talk to me about Mountbatten 's obituary programme .
15 One of those is the independent curator Christian Leigh , who opened a SoHo gallery called Kunsthall last spring .
16 But the coroner heard the Rainbow seats made by a Birmingham firm called Jeenay and sold as a Boots own brand were put in facing the front instead of the rear .
17 Groove 2 is a Yellowjackets track called Monmouth College Fight Song .
18 The next stop was a scout hut in a Glasgow suburb called Giffnock .
19 In the gloom of a London club called Blitz , the person who would define this new sensibility above all others , the club 's sometime cloakroom attendant , a young boy called George O'Dowd , caught sight of his reflection in the mirror , applied his make-up — as he would put it , ‘ to remove all the hideousness ’ — and plotted how he too might acquire the only worthwhile currency left : fame .
20 He headed into Europe last season with a Glenavon side labelled no-hopers after a 1-1 home draw with Royal Antwerp in the Cup Winners Cup .
21 Several old dwelling houses adjoined Ivamys but at the Guilder Lane corner was a small shop , taken over in 1922 by a Lancashire family called Farrer .
22 The danger of criticizing the appointment of particular judges was shown when in June 1980 a Belfast jury awarded £50,000 damages to a Northern Ireland county court judge for a libel contained in an article in the Economist suggesting that his appointment had been based , as The Times put it in a leading article , not so much on his ability but on the fact that he was a Roman Catholic .
23 For a Longmans English Spoken Language Dictionary , Dictionary .
24 Ace had been in a situation like this before : in a VR game called Horror Walk 3 .
25 now one of the most exciting contests of the weekend will have a Gloucestershire lad called Richard Mainwaring challenging for a world title … his sport … his life makes up our Friday Feature
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