Example sentences of "a [adv] long [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The idea prompted Leapor to write a rather long poem about the follies of ambition , entitled ‘ Mopsus , or , The Castle Builder ’ .
2 I found that they were engaged in retailing rather heavy jokes ; and there came a point when Eliot , feeling perhaps that he ought to contribute , embarked upon a rather long story about George V. It ran somewhat as follows .
3 The annual totals are published with the permission of Islay Estates Ltd. where a remarkably long run of weather statistics has been kept with very few gaps .
4 It was a suspiciously long letter for someone who seldom wrote any , and when Rain was waiting to set off for the office he was still tapping away at it .
5 Two men were taking a suspiciously long time on a roof .
6 The data reported by Kovacs in section 12.9 imply that the observed T g would decrease further if a sufficiently long time for measurement was allowed .
7 If subject to stress for a sufficiently long period of time all ‘ solid ’ materials are capable of flow .
8 However , if gains are kept offshore for a sufficiently long period of time , the return on investment may exceed the increased capital gains tax liability .
9 Some have been living for a disconcertingly long time in museums ; but once doubted , the evidence of inadequacy in a fake is quite often soon in coming .
10 It was a strenuously long day for the 26-year-old psychiatrist 's daughter from Kilkenny , who had survived a two-down-with-six-to-play crisis before lunch to beat Ulster 's gallant little Michelle McGreevy on the 17th .
11 If nothing else , it has cast a mighty long shadow down the years .
12 If this involves a fairly long distance through cold parts of the house , you may have to buy metal dish covers , plate warmers and Thermos flasks to keep the food and drinks warm .
13 Phases A ( which must be shorter ) and C are the ‘ roads and tracks ’ , a fairly long distance to be ridden at a speed of 220 metres per minute , ( a good trot , on average ) .
14 Fortunately we had a doctor in our congregation who er was s had some knowledge of psychiatry and he had a fairly long session with him , just the two of them .
15 On the next cast I touch-leger again , only with a fairly long loop of line pulled out from between butt-ring and reel ( see pages 15–17 ) .
16 Another way of stating this point would be to say that the revival and growth of social movements in those societies which are both economically advanced and have a fairly long tradition of democracy , is a major aspect of that ‘ self-production ’ of society referred to earlier , which exists in some degree already , but is still more an ideal representation of a future form of society , ‘ free of domination ’ , in which the collectivity would really govern itself , by procedures of rational discussion among equal citizens .
17 It is becoming a tradition in our family ( extended by friends ) to do a fairly long walk between Christmas and the New Year , to walk off some of the effects of the turkey and tone up the system for the usual see-the-New- Year-in celebrations .
18 The extended families are split up as the men move first , to be followed only after a fairly long interval by wives and children and often never by other relatives .
19 What we try to do is to make available to people opportunities for study in depth and over a fairly long period of time , on issues and in subjects which are part of University activity .
20 There is a famously long time-lag between when work is done and when the Nobel committee doles out accolades for it .
21 A good resolution before you exchange contracts would be to stand back and have a really long look at the wood !
22 The capacity rules are just part of a now long list of rules and regulations that surround university life , and make extra demands on the time and freedom of academics .
23 there 's there 's and we just , what he must of had and he skidded and there was a blooming long track of mud down the carpet you know !
24 So it has been necessary to fit a particularly long tiller in order to apply sufficient leverage .
25 Much of the training was carried out in colleges and the 8-hour course , plus travel , could make a particularly long day for those attending .
26 ‘ The Home Secretary was n't persuaded then and there has n't been a particularly long period of time since , so it is not likely that there will be any review . ’
27 It was a horribly long way from the ground .
28 However , the considerations given earlier on overflow area size and the need to allow for a relatively long period between reorganizations will guide the designer to a reasonable compromise .
29 This was particularly the case with patients who had been given methadone reduction over a relatively long period of time , say two to three months .
30 After all , Germany does have a disturbingly long tradition of attempts to expand and dominate militarily the European continent .
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