Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] will give " in BNC.

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1 A fine yarn for a light-weight garment will give you smaller motifs .
2 You can train to be a Navy Cook without any particular previous formal qualifications , although any knowledge you bring from a technical college will give you an advantage .
3 There is no point in sending out actual photographs with every press release , but a clear photocopy will give the reporter a good idea of the building and may persuade his editor to send a photographer to take special pictures for the newspaper .
4 A linear cell will give a response profile like that of the middle curve in Figure 4.3 .
5 A degenerating programme will give way to a more progressive rival , just as Ptolemaic astronomy eventually gave way to the Copernican theory .
6 A delegated budget will give the opportunity to respond rather more accurately to perceived needs .
7 For the Nineties , it 's safe to predict that the nostalgia boom has a few years left to run , that Neneh Cherry , Roland Gift and Terence Trent D'Arby will become as big as they want to be , and that Bobby Brown 's crafty commercialisation of rap , soul and a vast ego will give Wacko a run for his money quite soon .
8 A balanced diet will give nutritional requirements in all the right proportions .
9 A large balcony will give you a panoramic view not only of the exhibition centre , with its pavilions , marquees and satellites linked by walkways , but of the city beyond it , under a permanently crimson-clouded sky .
10 A non-linear cell will give a response like that of the upper curve in Figure 4.3 .
11 In most cases , the publication of a false statement will give it currency and credit ( eg the publication by the " News of the World " of rape allegations against Banbury CID officers ) .
12 These machines generally have a well known soil load and the appropriate amount of sanitiser used on a regular basis will give the required degree of protection against bacteria .
13 A Black Orc will give you invulnerability to animosity too .
14 A good manager will give you the chance to say what you feel and to talk about problems .
15 So a high-grade fuel will give us
16 a molecular vibration will give rise to a fundamental band in the IR spectrum if , and only if , the symmetry of the vibration is the same as that of one or more of the vectors x , y , and z [ see Fig. 5.15(a) ] .
17 a molecular vibration will give rise to a fundamental band in the Raman spectrum if , and only if , the symmetry of the vibration is the same as that of at least one component of the polarizability tensor , a , of the molecule [ see Fig. 5.15(b) ] .
18 A live link-up will give local audiences an ocean eye view of scientists studying grey whales off the Mexican coast .
19 A trip down memory lane or a sentimental reunion will give you great pleasure and allow you to say what 's in your heart without feeling self-conscious .
20 In time the marks will fade , but a golden suntan will give a short-term disguise .
21 We need to concentrate on the FA cup , getting a deceent run will give the players some confidence and bring in the money as well as keeping us fans happy ( well relatively speaking ) .
22 We need to concentrate on the FA cup , getting a deceent run will give the players some confidence and bring in the money as well as keeping us fans happy ( well relatively speaking ) .
23 Water pressure deactivates the autofocusing mechanism , and a close-up mode will give sharp results from a subject only two feet away .
24 COPING AWARD : A local supermarket will give him a month 's trial as a shelf-filler .
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