Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Pauline , the highlight of whose round was the eagle with which she followed a wind-tossed triple-bogey at the 12th , brought news of how she had been attacked by a couple of bitches .
2 Roberta Junk do sound like a wacky tip for the top !
3 Roberta Junk do sound like a wacky tip for the top !
4 YOU recently mentioned con tricks well , I was waiting at Lime Street Station for my mother when a well-dressed man with a briefcase asked me for £1 .
5 Only once , last autumn , had there been an unnerving lift , a well-dressed man in a Mercedes , who had wanted Luke to drive on towards Devon with him , had offered him dinner and a night at a hotel , had put his hand high up on Luke 's thigh , and been altogether menacing .
6 Dinner is taken by candlelight at a well-dressed table in the elegant dining room .
7 For Marxists , by contrast , the welfare of the masses is not only economically determined but a quantifiable function of the degree of their immiseration .
8 The most serious problems over credit use — sometimes an extreme manifestation of one of the general problems , such as the relationship between ignorance , high-cost credit use , and over-commitment ; sometimes something quite distinct — are too rare to show up in a quantifiable way in a sample survey such as ours .
9 The bar was against the far wall , plentifully stocked and presided over by a bleached blonde in a white beaded sweater .
10 The localised heat draws oils from the skin and blood to the surface ; over the years permanently dilated blood vessels appear and brown pigmentation due to leaks from those vessels appear in a reticular pattern on the shins of old people .
11 THE ONLY known surviving image of a fast-bowling legend as a boy : as a man he has at least 307 reasons to remember a glittering Test career .
12 PRESIDING over the collapse of one of America 's largest newspapers has been a humbling experience for the Tribune Company , a Chicago-based media group that is proud of its reputation for tough management .
13 Having teenagers is a humbling experience at the best of times — and having teenagers taking exams is the greatest leveller of all .
14 President De Klerk , he said , had not begun to address the central issue , ‘ that is , the creation of a non-racial democracy in a unitary state ’ .
15 The total represents a three-fold increase on the previous decade , but the real death toll is thought to be far higher .
16 Although the plans were later cut back , the Suez crisis encouraged a three-fold increase in the then current plans for new nuclear power stations .
17 The key demands of the protest were a monthly minimum wage of the equivalent of US$536 , a three-fold increase in the basic pension to US$450 , reform of legislation linking pay to productivity and a new collective wage bargaining law .
18 Walcott suggested there was a three-fold division in the House of Commons at this time : the government interest , which comprised placemen , pensioners and those who in other ways were dependent upon the Court for their position ; a large body of independent back-bench MPs ; and a middle group of professional politicians , which could be divided into seven " connections " , each tied together by family and personal relationships and electoral interests , and which were caught in a struggle for power between the " ins " and " outs " .
19 The cone can be sliced lengthwise by two planes at right angles , offering a vertical-horizontal cross like a gunsight to the eye .
20 Federal prosecutors say the three were involved in planting five bombs with a total of 150 kg ( 330 lb ) of explosives outside a single-storey building at the Quebec Barracks in Osnabrueck , near the Dutch border , in July 1989 .
21 The typical England strike under Taylor has been a lofted cross from the flank or dead ball situation into a crowded penalty area , a scramble , then either Gary Lineker or Platt emerging from the melee in celebration .
22 They are a frontal assault of the Devil not only upon believers but on human beings everywhere .
23 The testing boom has been resisted vigorously by civil liberties groups and trade unions , who view this aspect of the ‘ war on drugs ’ as a frontal assault on a worker 's dignity and entitlement to due process .
24 Warm things are said in the flush of the campaign but now that it 's over the first question the Tories should ask is how it would look to the country if a victorious party launched into a frontal assault on the BBC in the wake of its victory .
25 Governments over the '60s and '70s , as I suggested earlier , have not had the capacity , even when they have had the will , to launch a frontal assault on the organised working class and force through a radical restructuring in spite of its resistance .
26 The surprise decision to concentrate the main allied armoured thrust to the west of Kuwait was in part motivated by the desire to avoid having to make a frontal assault upon the extensive Iraqi fortifications on the Kuwaiti-Saudi Arabian border .
27 It is not generally realized that he did write on such topics , though it must be admitted that a frontal attack on the factory system was not likely to be poetically successful .
28 Political prudence and the dangers of a frontal attack on the Church restrained them to the sale of common lands and the abolition of civil entails , ‘ pulling up by the roots the tree which bears such bitter fruits ’ .
29 Nizan felt an urgent need to liquidate his bourgeois past , to engage in a frontal attack on the source of his own alienation .
30 It is highly courageous to launch a frontal attack on the main lines and the main structure of nature , and cowardly to advance by aspects and details ; art is really a battle .
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