Example sentences of "a [n mass] of [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 a fish of flame in the shadowy
2 For the men , garments are symbolic markers of filial love and recognition , whereas for the women they serve as a means of self-inscription in a system that neglects them … .
3 Conventional gestures are valuable not only because they often appear in the epics themselves , but also because they are universally recognised as a means of communication in real life and have been used on the stage since the earliest days of the theatre .
4 Whiteley wrote that the significance of these papers lay in the valuable service they performed of establishing Swahili as a means of communication in printed form .
5 The Hull delegate to the National Conference of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children , in Nottingham in October , was surprised to learn that China is less than half as densely populated as the UK , despite the forcible abortion and sterilisation carried out on women in China and used as a means of genocide in Chinese-occupied Tibet .
6 Ever since the Middle Ages , bankers ' promises-to-pay , issued first as instruments of credit , have turned into money by being used as a means of exchange in their own right .
7 First , there is clear approval of the ‘ American ’ way as a means of development in agriculture and industry , that is , the provision of mutual markets for the respective products .
8 It is almost as if the catholic Irish people become a people of God in Old Testament terms , in a way similar to the Northern Calvinists , a people which have overriding power to set up their domain .
9 Like another release in the same series — Benedict Mason 's Lighthouses of England and Wales , which I 've reviewed at length below — Birtwistle 's work is also , for all its contemporary superstructure and substructures , a species of tone-poem in a genre that British composers tend to be good at : in this case the quasipantheistic dark-pastoral in the tradition of North Country Sketches , In the Faery Hills , Enter Spring and , perhaps especially , the ‘ Ritual dances ’ from Tippett 's Midsummer Marriage .
10 Pupils are required to write a biography of Herbert Whitley , the zoo 's founder , to give an account of the explorations of Christopher Columbus , Captain Cook and David Livingstone , to study a species of animal in depth and to produce an organised diary of their week .
11 One-and-a-half hours later , and after near disaster with the gaff , the head of which fell off , John Wilson managed to beach the great fish ; a salmon of 40lb in weight , the second-heaviest fish ever taken from the river .
12 In Mandalay , Kington drove round with an Australian who took a detached interest while overtaking a pair of cyclists in line abreast , pedalling hand-in-hand all over the road .
13 ‘ Mornin' , Olga , ’ she shouted as she scuttled towards her , a pair of rollers in the front of her hair sticking out like devil 's horns from under her woollen hat .
14 Detective Inspector Ian Redpath had sufficient experience of the Thames at low tide to keep a pair of gumboots in his car , and the police surgeon , Dr. Gillespie , was similarly well equipped .
15 So we 're putting a pair of fenestrals in here .
16 Enter Rita , a young , timid , nervous , woman in clinging red dress , lipstick to match and a pair of shoes in which you would not want to run for a bus .
17 They produce this silk not from spinnerets at the end of the abdomen as spiders do , but from a pair of glands in the mouth .
18 They were carried on four pairs , of which the two middle ones were fixed , whereas to move sideways in a radial direction when going round a curve , though normally they were held in a straight line with the fixed wheels by a pair of springs in compression .
19 Interestingly , I have a pair of Kribensis in the tank , but they have not shown any interest in the fry .
20 My next thought , since saving my life 's work was out of the question , was for a pair of underpants in the probable event that I would shortly find myself in public .
21 Is this a mating ritual or do I have a pair of schizos in the tank ?
22 In place of the modest flannel bags Lord Woodleigh had on , this fellow had a pair of white trousers , much too short for him , stained heavily on one side and showing beneath a pair of socks in a hideous approximation to a Scottish tartan .
23 Suppose a subject is listening to different sequences of sounds played independently to each ear through a pair of headphones in order to pick out and respond to a particular target sound .
24 I mean , my legs have rarely seen a Bic razor you know , I 'm gon na wear a pair of shorts in the summer , I might shave 'em , but I
25 With a sword in one hand and a pair of scales in the other , it symbolizes British justice and law — and the law has quite a lot to say about self-defence .
26 Later , however , in Kensington Market , at a booth that was so saturated with the stench of joss-sticks that Peter could n't stop coughing , he bought her a pair of boots in maroon suede .
27 ‘ I 'd say he was a transit airline passenger on a refuelling stop who got off his aeroplane , changed into a pair of overalls in the toilet , drove off with a van-load of baggage , took what he wanted and was back on his plane well within the time his flight was called , to continue his journey without even going through customs .
28 Her opening words , which echo a pair of lines in Chaucer 's first fabliau in the sequence of the Canterbury Tales , the Miller 's Tale ( I : 3768 – 9 ) , invite a dialogue charged with sexual connotations , not only in the obvious case of " " ryse " " , but also in the detectable reference to a conventional love-sickness : The monk 's answer immediately confirms the sexual topic of the dialogue , and dispenses with any euphemistic disguises : This rapid movement to a contextually surprising level of familiarity on the topic of sexual intimacy is paralleled in the French fabliau Auburee , where the old bawd , Auburee , in procuring a young wife for a besotted admirer , visits the wife and moves smartly into the bedroom , declaring : ( " I should certainly like to see your bed : then I should know for certain if you lie in the same splendour as the first wife did . " )
29 A PAIR of tramps in the cellar of an abandoned hotel lengthily airing their psychological underwear until evicted by a ( superficially ) heartless boilerman : we seem to have been here before .
30 The bell rang and Amiss went in to find a pair of newcomers in search of tea and toast .
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