Example sentences of "a [noun sg] you [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 He did n't say anything about ( well-documented ) insults Yeugh directed at the distinguished internationals for no apparent reason — like telling Eddie Gray ‘ if you were a racehorse you 'd have been shot years ago ’ in front of the team — or indeed any of the other eccentric behaviour of the man that got him fired .
2 If I tell you a story you 'd have to agree to tell it to somebody else .
3 As an immediate corollary we obtain a result you might have stumbled on in your researches into Problem 3 .
4 As a result you may have very little or no self-esteem .
5 ‘ Also , if you 'd really been a journalist you 'd have known what a ‘ stringer ’ is .
6 If you do n't have a pond you may have missed out on our series on waterlilies .
7 For half a second you might have thought his fist had smashed me across the room , except that I follow through my dive into a roll and end up squatting on the floor , eight feet away , with the pistol pointing straight at his guts .
8 As a child you would have known better . ’
9 As fluently as the Princess of Wales does when she switches between diamanté sophistication ( ‘ Look what a queen you might have in me ! ’ ) and heart-breaking droopy cottons .
10 During the day there was a factory and you used to have to make boxes , or if you were a cleaner you used to have to scrub the landings and everything , or there was a farm and you could work there — but you used to have to be really trusted to work on that .
11 Shiona could n't have agreed more , but her tone was taunting as she told him , ‘ What a pity you 'll have to wait until tomorrow to see me led away in chains . ’
12 The two things were entirely unconnected , but if it is of importance to you then you 'll be pleased to know that had there been a test you would have passed it with straight As . ’
13 I had failed a test of faith ; faith was a gift of God , yet a gift you must have to live .
14 After all , ’ said the kind-looking gentleman in his pleasant voice , ‘ they were aware by then that you knew where they lived , and that there was a chance you 'd have them arrested . ’
15 There was no space for two small children or one transversely-mounted adult , not a trace of walnut , and if you wanted to listen to a radio in a Cobra you 'd have needed speakers that would n't have disgraced a heavy-metal band .
16 ‘ I thought for a minute you could have been Billy sitting there , ’ she said as she put the tea down on the desk .
17 Well well you 'd go to er er I should say in the morning service , that was a service you used to have .
18 Now right at the beginning of a claim you can have an odd number of days before the first benefit week ending day .
19 as well if you want The Express and The Mail have much the same pictures Got a football magazine and a Woman you can have a football , I ca n't u look
20 And for a penny you could have a thick slice of bread , about one and a half inches , loaded with dripping , so that was your meal at lunchtime , before you nipped back to do other jobs .
21 I have a feeling you 'll have one of these two , yeah .
22 Yes I had a feeling you might have done , we j we probably sent it and bamboozle him .
23 Anyway living in a flat you might have somebody downstairs that 'll beat you up .
24 I was just thinking if it was on a page you could have got that
25 Now then that after about six weeks or eight weeks , if you 've got a kid you can have them .
26 ‘ After all , the man who fell in love with Princess Marama and left the paintings to Tiare was a Frenchman you might have heard of — Paul Gauguin . ’
27 If you do n't qualify for a voucher you will have to pay the full cost of the glasses yourself .
28 ‘ That 's a risk you 'll have to take .
29 I mean given that you 've got a , oh I do n't know , a pound you 're going to spend a week in gambling entertainment , if I could put it that way , you 'd do better to go in for the pools , because if you did have a win you might have a big one , than to put it on a horse — am I right ?
30 In a school you may have fifty to sixty teachers to help you out .
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