Example sentences of "a [noun sg] that i [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Between them they took my pulse rate , temperature , and a decision that I was not , nor had been , blind drunk on vodka .
2 E actually yours made me think of a story that I was told many years ago on a coach trip over Dartmoor
3 It was a programme that I was never to perform — until tonight .
4 Rather , a wonder that I was ever interested in starting .
5 That outline held so entrancing a meaning that I was further disarmed .
6 It was only when I swung to the left and broke free for a moment that I was able to observe that he was wearing my dad 's grey towelling dressing-gown .
7 Oh well it was not a meeting that I was at then
8 Retracing my steps , I realized with a shock that I was no more able to find my way back to the village than I 'd been able to find the place we 'd been raking .
9 But that were n't a bedsitter that I was in .
10 I immediately took this to be a delusion — a sign that I was shortly to withdraw forever into a blissful lunatic world of favourite food fantasies .
11 I stamped my feet on the cobbles as a sign that I was freezing .
12 All I can say is that at the time everything fitted together perfectly into so glaringly obvious a pattern that I was amazed I had never seen it before .
13 Helen : For some reason I thought of it that they 've given me this monster of a baby that I was n't going to be able to love , and some woman came round — she may have been the hospital social worker or an almoner — and spent about an hour telling me how this was going to completely change the course of my life , I was going to be saddled with this child that would need twenty-four hour care and attention , and I had to think carefully about whether I wanted that for the rest of my life , i.e. was I going to keep him — virtually talking me into not keeping him , and I think the turning-point was that I felt there was something coming from the outside that was , sort of , really trying to urge me to reject him , and that I rebelled against it .
14 No , if I could see myself as anything else it would be in a career that I was doing , but then I would n't be married .
15 ‘ I was so far on side the decision was a joke , ’ said Hazard , adding : ‘ The TV people told me after watching a replay that I was at least two yards on side . ’
16 It was a miracle that I was alive at all .
17 ‘ I 'ad ter spin the geezer a tale that I was usin' it ter move a poor family out o' the buildin 's where I live . ’
18 A feeling that I was horribly conspicuous made me wish to hide myself .
19 Aunt Louise greeted me with a kiss , and there was a feeling that I was the guest of some great lady in exile .
20 " Young as I was " , he wrote later , " I had a feeling that I was destined to work for big changes and improvements in the lives of men of the sea " .
21 No I , I had a feeling that I was gon na get landed with the bill there .
22 When I mentioned to a colleague that I was writing an article on stress for CIBLINGS , he nodded and said ‘ yes , there 's a lot of it about ’ .
23 It was really just the beginning of my interest in things musical , political , cultural etc and a realisation that I was never going to play for Crystal Palace ! ’
24 He was on his way to the airport when he received a message that I was very ill .
25 ‘ It was as a cook that I was sailing with Clive . ’
26 There was even a suggestion that I was one of Juval Aviv 's sources for the Interfor Report , although I had never met the man or even seen his report at that point .
27 The first the first half a year that I was Holland I I do n't think I was away for a holiday , but then the the next Summer then I was away .
28 The fact that she could swear like a trooper and at one point told a nurse that I was a security guard escaping from a hijack attempt , also helped .
29 Reg gave his life and soul to this club , plus an extra 110 per cent per match , but unfortunately he chose to undermine my authority in such a way that I was forced to demand his dismissal by the board .
30 ‘ You are not of that opinion ? ’ enquired Lili , her head tilted in a way that I was beginning to be familiar with .
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