Example sentences of "a [noun sg] that it was " in BNC.

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1 When told that Amnesty International had made a radical new departure in the choice of his successor , a decision that it was hoped would be regarded as courageous , Ian 's response was to nod .
2 Even if the accident does not seem serious at the time , but you think it might have some ill-effect in the future you should apply to the DSS for a decision that it was an industrial accident .
3 Their Lordships are unable to agree with the Court of Appeal that the judge was not entitled to make a finding that it was a material fact that the Perot family were interested in buying Vertigo as well as Caliban .
4 Many objections were voiced against the proposed deal which caused such a storm that it was dropped within days of the news breaking .
5 ‘ And oh , what a coincidence that it was to the same part of the country ! ’ she butted in sarcastically .
6 For his contempt in abetting such an action his temporalities were distrained until he did prefer the royal clerk — such a humiliation that it was said to have occasioned his death .
7 Then in 1987 Midland Bank got itself in such a mess that it was on the receiving end of a laughable offer from the Saatchi & Saatchi advertising empire .
8 12–10- There was a proposal that it was desirable to have " an assistant to labour in the district by preaching and visiting " and it was thought that Mr Findlay of Dunlossit would give assistance towards this object .
9 Added to this was an acceptance of liberal Victorian culture to such a degree that it was assumed to be as eternal as the gospel itself .
10 ( We might indeed say of such a theology that it was a Jesuology , rather than a Christology ; and Christianity has , at its worst , we may think , come to resemble this . )
11 He forgot for a moment that it was pot and thought of nicotine , and then of cancer , cells in delirium , the inroads that living would make one day even on this varnished little icon of the exempt : the flab of tiredness , children , overwork , sitting up too late at night listening to people , indulging buoyant childish appetites as a device to sustain good nature against foreshadows of the senile self .
12 I HAD a suspicion that it was going to be a nuclear week when I saw Richard Baker examining Raymond Briggs about the bomb on Omnibus .
13 The worst bits in the book raise a suspicion that it was hastily written , or not rigorously edited : ‘ I mean , we were teenagers .
14 ‘ I like a pint , and I cracked a joke that it was modelled on my belly .
15 It was also a reminder that it was nearly time to seek out his last visual co-ordinate and prepare to take over manual control of the aircraft once again .
16 In such cases they will escape , unless they have been negligent , or at least ought to have known that the publication " was of such a character that it was likely to contain libellous matter " .
17 And they were triumphant , as we were now , because it was a sign that it was going to be all right : a clear confirmation of life .
18 This magnificent object was found by a peat-digger in dismantled condition , the embossed plates being stacked in the bottom , a sign that it was not intended to be recovered but was deposited as an offering .
19 ‘ When I got back and found your note I did n't think for a minute that it was because you thought I was the father of the child .
20 Our plea to the Government is that they take a leaf out of their own book on the independent living fund , which was set up in haste and has played a role that it was never meant to play .
21 However , sometimes buyers can be required to give an undertaking to their building society to effect repairs as mentioned above and otherwise undertakings are used as a device to fulfil a commitment that it was not possible to fulfil before the completion date .
22 It was a woman that it was a woman that did it .
23 The whole performance was an almost total waste of time , and was accompanied by a belief that it was necessary to demonstrate that one was working long hours in the evenings , and preferably all weekends as well .
24 Facts : pleaded guilty to placing an imitation bomb in a department store with intent to induce a belief that it was likely to explode or ignite .
25 Once he was in power , this alternative view would argue , his policies were more consistent with a belief that it was still feasible to salvage some kind of organic link between France and Algeria than with a belief in the inevitability of complete rupture .
26 He made an elaborate pretence of yawning ( as a signal that it was bedtime ) .
27 This was n't selfishness or greed , just a feeling that it was due .
28 Fear of encroachments by the government or the armed forces on the liberty of the subject , coupled with a feeling that it was unjust that one particular group should be singled out for treatment in this way , combined to defeat all such suggestions .
29 You mention the fact that erm there was a feeling that it was a s because of the size of the workforce , it was possibly a strike which could be won ?
30 However specialist nurses were provided in certain districts and there was a feeling that it was a better system .
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