Example sentences of "a [noun sg] for [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 The technical department provided a base for him in order that he could pursue Technical Studies over and above normal classes .
2 ‘ It should not be so difficult a decision for him in the best interests of an organisation in which he believes and for which I know he has worked so hard . ’
3 ‘ It should not be so difficult a decision for him in the best interests of an organisation in which he believes and for which I know he has worked so hard . ’
4 He thinks there 's a part for me in the new play at the Queen 's . ’
5 John soon made a niche for himself in Palace 's defence , making his debut at home to Bristol Rovers ( 1–0 ) the day after his signature had been obtained , and scoring his first goal for us in the 8–2 FA Cup demolition of Harwich and Parkstone three weeks later .
6 Marlowe refuses to recognise the fact making a living for oneself in the countryside involves strenuous work and long hours of toil in order to reap the rewards afterwards .
7 An accepted notion that aggression is a given characteristic in humans everywhere leads to a search for it in various social settings .
8 A first round victory caught everyone 's attention , and Swift kept close tabs on him for the rest of the year , even fielding a car for him in the 25th anniversary race at Silverstone and again in the Irish Festival .
9 Then there was the ship 's agent who made a run for it in his car , guessing we would search his house after picking him up with some uncustomed goods .
10 Perhaps she started from the feeling and then found a correspondence for it in the outside world .
11 Frank Sinatra , previous holder of the golden oldie crown , was a mere stripling of 71 when New York New York was a hit for him in 1986 .
12 I mean there ought to be someone who can make a lead for us in house , that sort of thing , which we do n't have at the moment , because we 've got things like complicated split leads for rigging up two monitors , and we 've had those twice we 've had those made , outside , but they only need to get sort of broken , and we 're back to square one .
13 Joe had written to me suggesting that there was a post for me in Japan ( available through the good offices of Stephen Spender , who had just returned from there with a commission from the Dean of the Faculty of Letters at Tohoku University ) to go and teach English , in the poet-teacher tradition for which it was famous .
14 The first is that we are not so tempted to think of the word ‘ afternoon ’ as having a meaning for us in virtue of being the name of an object , as we are to think of ‘ pain' as having a meaning for us in virtue of being the name of an object .
15 The first is that we are not so tempted to think of the word ‘ afternoon ’ as having a meaning for us in virtue of being the name of an object , as we are to think of ‘ pain' as having a meaning for us in virtue of being the name of an object .
16 It prepareth a breakdown for me in the Presence of mine enemies .
17 However this stance is often misunderstood by others who believe that Christians only ‘ do good work ’ to ensure a place for themselves in heaven .
18 Horses and ponies have more character than machinery so there will always be a place for them in our lives .
19 That was some going– but we would have a place for him in any Palace gallery even without it .
20 On the other hand , if the half-pay officer was trying to maintain an impoverished existence as an unwanted guest in the home of a brother , he ( and the brother ) could become very anxious to secure a place for him in an active formation , in spite of the poor pay and poorer prospects .
21 There was unlikely to be a place for him in a reconstituted kingdom of Aquitaine that included Septimania and was ruled by Charles the Bald .
22 In my opinion religion will always be here and I feel that there is a place for it in tomorrows society as it is all around us and in everything we do .
23 The firm badly needs this market share to buy time , so it can fully adapt to the new Windows world and carve out a place for itself in the growing groupware market .
24 Sorry , we can not find a place for you in the Christian ministry . ’
25 ‘ Hard living on since you 've been gone , there 'll always be a place for you in my space time . ’
26 They would find a place for you in the Space program .
27 She said I feel that there is a place for you in the health , in this mental health service .
28 Fleur had encouraged Dana in her ambition to become a model , and she had lived to see her daughter carve a place for herself in the fashion world .
29 Final question perhaps we should raise is well is there actually gon na be a need for it in two three years time down the track ?
30 ‘ I 've a job for you in the morning . ’
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