Example sentences of "a [noun sg] to the government " in BNC.

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1 A response to the Government 's consultation paper : A new tax for local government by the Audit Commission .
2 More serious was the outbreak of protest from the ‘ stout rustics ’ in Horsham and Pulborough in 1648 , a response to the government 's five percent excise tax on food which , linked with bad harvests and low agricultural wages , increased desperation at the base of the social pyramid .
3 NP officials , however , claimed that the election was " definitely not " a response to the government 's reform programme but a response to local issues .
4 Its demise would be a blow to the Government 's entire rail privatisation strategy ; doubt has been cast on BR 's commitment to working with the private sector , and companies such as Richard Branson 's Virgin Group , which have been planning to move into the rail business , will think hard before going ahead .
5 Charterail 's demise would be a blow to the Government 's entire rail privatisation strategy ; doubt has been cast on BR 's commitment to the private sector
6 The firm 's crash will come as a blow to the Government 's rail privatisation plans .
7 The appeal court dealt a blow to the government 's education reforms by backing the right of teachers to boycott the national curriculum tests .
8 The riots were unquestionably a blow to the government 's law and order policies and to the Conservative 's claim to be the party of law and order .
9 The team dealt a blow to the government 's credibility with a public statement on June 19 supporting the opposition 's call for an independent electoral commission .
10 More commonly , the minister under attack is shielded by collective responsibility and the decision as to whether he or she goes or stays is one for the Prime Minister , based on the criteria of the extent to which he or she has become a liability to the government .
11 John Craddock who feels he 'd have to leave his home of twenty-five years because of the noise if the north Oxford bypass went aheadsums up the feelings of many in a plea to the government on its transport policy :
12 However , a change to the government road tax guidelines , which were now based on horsepower rather than the number of wheels , made the cost of vehicle registration prohibitive .
13 In a boost to the government , trade unionists from the Kuzbas mining region in Western Siberia pledged support for Mr Gaidar 's radical reforms and denounced a local hardline deputy .
14 In the long run I think it will be a loss to the Government , for the very simple reason we have got to meet this competition and if we do n't in a few years time the housewife possibly will be paying a lot more money for the produce .
15 About 1820 , possibly due to the persuasion and influence of William Gilkison , Galt became the London agent for people in Upper Canada who were trying to obtain compensation from the British Government for losses they had sustained in the 1812/13 war with the U.S.A. He submitted a plan to the Government which led to the creation of the Canada Company , and , as its first Secretary , he was sent to Canada to acquire land .
16 The onset of the rainy season brought a halt to the government 's south-eastern offensive .
17 The Labour plan calls for an increased effort to meet the EC nitrogen dioxide directive ; better monitoring and the regular broadcasting of air quality information on the media ; the retrospective fitting of catalytic converters to vehicles ; and a halt to the government 's road-building programme .
18 Defence workers turned out in force at Westminster , a reminder to the government that if its determination to curb spending means cutting the defence budget , jobs as well as the armed forces will suffer .
19 Meanwhile the Church of England was proving to be a nuisance to the government .
20 ‘ I did n't think I was speculating ’ she said in a rebuke to the Government 's attitude towards the advertised high-return , low-risk investment offered by Barlow Clowes .
21 And few of the people who hit the glass ceiling are inclined to go through the additional pain of a complaint to the government or a court case .
22 The document was a riposte to the government 's refusal to permit a campus commemoration on 29 September of the first big student protests against corruption a year ago .
23 It would have to be a loan to the Government , mind , not to the Khedive personally .
24 ‘ Now , we are asking you ’ — he stressed the word with some irony — ‘ we are asking you to join with us in a petition to the government for relief from the Act .
25 On April 10 a group of around 240 Ethiopian academics had submitted a petition to the government demanding its resignation and the creation of a " provisional caretaker government " , to be followed by multiparty elections under international supervision .
26 Gen. Martin Bonnet , the Army Chief of Staff , was reported on Oct. 31 to have filed a petition to the government for his retirement and to have requested that his Deputy Chief of Staff Gen. Martin Balza replace him until a successor was appointed .
27 The jibes of the kids at his scattered schools , which he attended sometimes for a token day or two to throw a sop to the government , struck him as neither here nor there .
28 Muldoon , who had won 59 per cent of the vote in Tamaki in the 1990 general election [ for which see pp. 37781-82 ] , had resigned his seat in protest at the economic , health and social welfare policies of Prime Minister Jim Bolger [ see p. 38676 ] , and had appealed to voters to send a message to the government to change its ways .
29 If the bank bond is trading at a discount to the government bond of more than 5.61 ( YTM of more than 1.14 per cent ) , then the bank bond is cheap relative to the government bond .
30 Labour disputes , involving two of the public sector 's most powerful unions , marked a challenge to the government 's strategy of containing wage increases as a means of controlling inflation .
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