Example sentences of "a [noun sg] and [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The Prince was hitting at the running men with the flat of his sabre , but they feared an emperor far more than they feared a prince and so they kept on running .
2 And then I was dozing a bit and while we were watching like Arachnophobia we were we were still in bed but about four hours sleep just about .
3 Tidy it up a bit and if we get time
4 If he , if he could n't do anything then he would accept it and not do it and then try a bit and if he had to go back to bed .
5 She was walking now with a stick and as she sat down heavily at the table she seemed depressed .
6 our royalty is erm we sort of put on a pedestal and if you look at other European countries who still have royal families , they 're a bit more down to earth , some of them Europe go on bicycles and they do n't need , erm , all the limousines .
7 I thought it was better going to drama school direct rather than via a university and if you 're going to act I think that 's the way .
8 Wilson knew that some visiting Americans had let it be widely known in Florence that they considered Mrs Browning little more than a ghost and though she had laughed such gossip to scorn she now saw there was perhaps real cause for alarm .
9 I hope he scores a try and if he keeps his place for the Five Nations at my expense , good luck to him . ’
10 Well we we 'll stop and you can have a look and if they 're any good
11 You see there 's a general principle there is quite a lot of information in that cupboard that I keep saying 's there , have a look and as we get stuff
12 The aircraft went into a dive and when it broke through the cloud base the pilot saw the ground less than 1000 feet below him .
13 Yeah , well it 's just different directors have different things they want to emphasise in a play and if they want to bring something home or they think that using a certain well like say the way the people are dressed and everything will will have more of an impact , you know will
14 Yeah , well it 's just different directors have different things they want to emphasise in a play and if they want to bring something home or they think that using a certain well like say the way the people are dressed and everything will will have more of an impact , you know will
15 You see the piece I just read is a monologue and if I 'd known there was a competition for it I 'd have sent it there rather than
16 Employees approach their manager to discuss the possibility of a break and if they take up the option they are kept in touch with progress via magazines , company literature etc .
17 " I saw a hare and after I 'd found the body there was a sparrowhawk , a kestrel . "
18 Of the 10 cardinals , three had refused to sign the verdict , Francesco demanded a pardon and when it was refused he persuaded his brother to make life ‘ imprisonment ’ that of house arrest in the home of a sympathetic bishop .
19 erm , and there are two aspects , that they can a stimulant and whilst I 'm , I would agree that many women , it is part of dealing with problems in their lives , coping with stress , that part of that is also withdrawal symptoms from the nicotine , and
20 Yeah , the uni er the uniform branch turn up to investigate a crime and if they find fingerprints they will get what 's known as a scenes of crime officer to take the fingerprints off the wall , yeah ?
21 If I was not a priest and if I was in your position , I imagine I would feel the same .
22 one of them said , you know , he said how , how the hell how the hell can they say which directions the fire 's coming from ? but they , I mean some of them were saying like this mate he run out , he was going across this patch of open space and the soldier obviously saw a soldier and as he did that apparently he got shot through there and out the other side of him .
23 This is a haematoma and if it is in an area where you are likely to receive further knocks , you should withdraw from the competition .
24 The family did not own a car and so they made their journey by coach .
25 It is above a traiteur and as he makes love with Candice Riberon , they are bathed , marinated and fêted by the scents of the food from below .
26 I ent ever hit a child and if I ever do it 'll be with the skin of me hand .
27 We are up against a ceiling and if we added new areas to the map , we should have to remove other areas .
28 How many of you have lost weight , reached a plateau and before you know it you 're back where you started ?
29 Er in most of them will er most people in Ireland will be in a pub at some stage of the day you know and it 's no unusual thing to er we 've got a recording studio in we live or I live rather and it 's not unusual to walk out the studio at er lunch time with some people you 'd been recording and go into the pub for a lunch and if you were n't very careful you could still be there that evening singing
30 She had sent her younger son to a private school because the switch to comprehensives was such a mess and because he had a horror of a huge education factory after his primary school where everybody was known by their first name .
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