Example sentences of "a [noun sg] and [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 I tell him I am a writer and that I was robbed in Cuzco Airport and lost camera , films and all my writing , so I have come to a tranquil place to try to remember .
2 Probably that I 'm a genius and that I look like a donkey — or something like that
3 You see the piece I just read is a monologue and if I 'd known there was a competition for it I 'd have sent it there rather than
4 " I saw a hare and after I 'd found the body there was a sparrowhawk , a kestrel . "
5 erm , and there are two aspects , that they can a stimulant and whilst I 'm , I would agree that many women , it is part of dealing with problems in their lives , coping with stress , that part of that is also withdrawal symptoms from the nicotine , and
6 If I was not a priest and if I was in your position , I imagine I would feel the same .
7 I ent ever hit a child and if I ever do it 'll be with the skin of me hand .
8 Now I know I went to a sp a specialist and that I mean it just keeps on coming back you know , maybe I 'll
9 Charmwood the house and she was saying when her mum and dad were courting , where they used to do the co courting , like must of been a wood and that I think
10 As my pregnancy went on , I wondered whether the baby was a girl and If I should soon be in a mother/daughter relationship with my own child .
11 The low style is surely recalled by the colloquial " " Hé " " given to God and St Peter as noted above , and the high by the description of the young wife in Les Trois Boçus : ( a beautiful girl So beautiful that she was a delight And if I should tell you the truth I do not think that Nature ever made Any more beautiful creature . )
12 It 's about er ten years ago nearly that I er stopped being a teacher and when I was a teacher er up having to do assemblies er it was always something that I did with great reluctance and er was er pleased if I could get other people to do it er it seems rather odd then er that I 've actually said yes coming to do er an assembly here today and it 's perhaps a sign of mental instability on my part .
13 Things seemed quiet enough , but it was an uneasy calm and in the late afternoon , there was a crump of a bomb and when I looked out of the window I saw a black pall of smoke in the distance .
14 But this is a tampon and as I said , it 's small .
15 I 'm a thinker and when I think everything is bottled up and tension comes , I just want to lash out .
16 I walk from the petrol station to the store roughly 14 times a day and if I did n't have a pair of inner soles in my flat shoes I 'd cry ! ’
17 ‘ There was a time when I intended to fight — perhaps I still would if I thought I had a chance and if I ever saw either of them , but it 's hard to fight for a man as elusive as Roman has become . ’
18 ‘ A director asked me if I was a gardener and when I said not , he said it was ostentatious .
19 So that I would n't get involved with careers officers I 'd actually make a jump and that I would do the three wise monkeys and Hilary .
20 I said yeah , I said er wait a minute and when I came down , the conservatory door was open and the front door was on the latch
21 The Cabinet did behave as a Cabinet and although I said earlier about the Treasury being forced to disgorge information when the DEA existed , that was n't the case to the same extent in 1976 .
22 I 'd been paying tax and national insurance for 12 years before I found myself having to make a claim and if I 'd been putting the money in a building society I 'd have had a lot more than I eventually got out of them . ’
23 It did not enter my head that I might have the seeds of a talent , that I too might have a career and that I should be preparing myself for it .
24 Pic oh I 've got it for a week and if I get successful in doing so many tapes then I get twenty pound , twenty five pound v voucher to spend
25 I felt like going for a ride and when I saw you take horse I followed , seeking companionship .
26 I would have done two doors I think , someone knocking on a door and but I do n't think anyone would have got it .
27 I wanted to shout after him that I had made a mistake and that I had really understood him very well .
28 I was hoping that P & I 's would be having a sale and that I could get a new concordance but she would n't even let me look .
29 ‘ I just went for a camera and when I opened the bag I could n't believe what was inside .
30 Yes , there must be be a reason and as I 'm sure , I mean like like the objective , and then what you can do at this stage in the design process is once you 've got the objective then you select those themes or ideas from your what you 've done just now to support that objective , so that when you come up my objective is to convince you or my objective is to inform you then the information that you 're going to give out supports that objective .
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