Example sentences of "a [noun sg] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Use a variety and put it in more than one spot , if you have space , to allow more birds to feed at one time .
2 On uneven ground use a base and peg it down or use stones to steady it .
3 Set a limited period for a trial and establish what you will try out and how you will test the results .
4 Well we used to get a bucket and throw it over the v over like that .
5 Do n't throw any two products into a bucket and mix them ; they may well destroy each other .
6 In this compelling new video , Peters offers six ways to weather a recession and shows us how we can use recession as an opportunity .
7 It was quite pointless having a runner who saw the whole thing as a social outing and had once even sat down in a kitchen and said she 'd just rest for a minute .
8 The whole complex of events in the Persian wars from the fall of Sardis to the retreat of Xerxes was seen as a unity and formed what Robert Drews has called ‘ one Great Event of awesome proportions ’ .
9 I 'd slave my guts out on a case and think I 'd got it settled and a week later the woman would turn up in my office with the same dreary tale .
10 Sister Duggan had Eileen , s few belongings in a case and handed them to Liam .
11 ‘ He game me a bit of a shoulder into the body which flew me a bit and got me rather p— .
12 Sights like that must make you think a bit and make you realise you are very lucky ,
13 But because Mrs did that work with you yesterday you did not do your history work , so I 'm going to talk to you a bit and ask you some questions about the tiny bit we talked about to do with Roman Britain and how the Romans invaded Britain two thousand years ago .
14 When Dr Maxwell came along a little later , I asked him about it , and although he pooh-poohed it a bit and said it was all a lot of nonsense , I did get him to admit it could n't do me any actual harm to go to the classes and do exercises .
15 Then , after I 'd walked about a bit and done my errands I suddenly felt much better .
16 But umm I sort of drove on for a bit and thought it feels alright and then when I got to that , you know B P petrol station , I pulled in and got out and had a look .
17 There were dances in the Hut by the Strathmore Arms and when we grew up a bit and thought our fathers would n't find out we would nip into the Strathmore Arms for a pint , on the few occasions we could afford .
18 I stop a bit and hold her head in my hands .
19 I have a , a you know , which was too full , too thick , too full , so I thought I , I open a bit and took it out , so I have to find a place for it . .
20 She came out with us for two or three days and sort of sat you know up a bit and saw us , but then the next week she was really no good at all
21 When I go out to the shops — you know , to get stuff like milk or fags for Marie or summat — I always stop a bit and watch them .
22 He said he 'd put them away for a bit and give them to Oliver when he started smoking again .
23 ‘ do a bit , look a bit and do it again ’ .
24 With a sigh , she rolled over and floated on her back for a bit and did her best to talk herself out of her feelings for Guido .
25 He laughed a bit and stroked his beard a bit .
26 that the Germans had tidied it up a bit and turned it into a garden .
27 It denied Mr Yeltsin the right to hold a referendum and accused him of stirring confrontation .
28 The children sit around the room , while the person who is chosen to start takes a cushion and places it on someone 's lap .
29 Let Moscow Centre try and organize a burglary and see what happened .
30 He took a stick and hit me on the arm .
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