Example sentences of "a [noun sg] be the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 It was eerie listening to this voice , one moment high and hysterical , sibilant as a snake 's the next , issuing from the shadows as if directed down that merciless beam of light .
2 ‘ I must admit a fight is the last thing I feel like right now .
3 Except in cases of oxygen starvation , when the biggest fish in a pond are the first to succumb , it is the tiddlers that react worst to poor water quality , bacterial or parasitic problems .
4 The larger transnationals commonly train key staff at headquarters ( usually US and European ) and for some , a job in the factory of such a parent is the first step in a global career .
5 The following fragment of a manuscript is the third in our series ‘ Women : 50 years ago ’ .
6 The author of a work is the first owner of the copyright in the work .
7 Dana would be startled to see her , and a scene was the last thing either of them needed .
8 FORGET THE first record they ever bought , the real test of a band is the first record they ever made .
9 FORGET THE first record they ever bought , the real test of a band is the first record they ever made .
10 The collision between a BMW and a lorry was the third serious crash in three weeks on the road .
11 A pencil is the first prerequisite , so that the inevitable errors can be rubbed out ; softer leads need sharpening more often but stand out better .
12 A baby was the last thing she expected to see in the servants ' quarters , especially as Rosa looked far beyond her child-bearing years .
13 How a president and council representative can support a centre was the last subject of the afternoon when Don Piper FCIB , Council Representative , Bromley & North Kent , and John Harris FCIB , President , London West End addressed all 255 delegates .
14 As she caught the jagged edges of skin together with as delicate a stitch as she could — the patient was a young woman , and a scar was the last thing she would want — Shelley said , ‘ That roundabout is terribly dangerous .
15 To summarise the analysis of ‘ is it you ’ so far , it is an utterance of three syllables , composed of one tone-unit ; the only syllable that carries a tone is the third one .
16 a widow is the first line of a paragraph left alone at the foot of a page and an orphan is the last line of a paragraph carried over to the top of a new page .
17 Attacking it with a nailfile is the next best thing — hang on , I 'll show you . ’
18 In there I have to be courteous but I 'll never forget that you and that bloody rogue of a servant were the last to see my clerk alive ! ’
19 Siemens and Halske , the famous electrical firm set up in 1847 , got its first capital from a cousin ; a brother was the first salaried employee and nothing was more natural than that the three brothers Werner , Carl and William should take charge respectively of the Berlin , St Petersburg and London branches .
20 ‘ In those days seeing a comedian was the last thing you 'd do unless it was in some working men 's club . ’
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