Example sentences of "a [noun sg] group of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The three datasets each included a case group of children at risk , and an appropriate comparison group .
2 It is regarded by the Jains , a branch group of Buddhists , as the emblematic symbol of a perfectly evolved being ( a Sidda , or Initiate ) .
3 Around the same time he composed the last of his Salzburg serenades — a brilliant D major piece using a concertante group of wind instruments rather than the usual violin , and incorporating a posthorn into one of the minuets — hence its nickname , the ‘ Posthorn ’ Serenade .
4 In the meantime the women 's liberation movement was changing rapidly ; expanding , feminists were becoming active in a whole range of trade union activities , setting up women 's centres , refuges for battered wives , all kinds of research , discussion … the group , although it continued to meet , give or take a member or two , for a further four years , was a friendship , a support group of women who had struggled through to political consciousness together , and whose own political allegiances sparked off in many directions : a gay commune , further teaching , trade union organising , membership of one of the numerous revolutionary left-wing groupings which flourished in the seventies , involved in producing feminist journals .
5 A support group of workers all interested in breaking new ground might be set up .
6 Included in the exhibition will be a Kakiemon group of wrestlers , until recently used as a door-stop ; a selection of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century jewels found hidden under sawdust in bakers ' trays ; a small seventeenth-century Italian ivory copy of Bernini 's ‘ Apollo and Daphne ’ group and a silver penstand by Phillip Syng who designed the penstand used in the signing of the Declaration of Independence .
7 ‘ What a relief to be able to relax and play/work , for the first time in a large gathering , with a peer group of equals .
8 The method of investigation involves a study of specialist literature ; interviews with key people in the relevant UK ministries ; and review , by a study group of experts , of the project 's output .
9 The establishment of a core group of drawings to be used as a starting point for the attribution of other sheets on stylistic grounds remains the principal method of research and Mr Royalton-Kisch felt that the present exhibition has contributed to the furtherance of this work which , in the case of the British Museum , has whittled down the number of sheets from the 106 accepted by Benesch to eighty-four .
10 With the imminent implementation of community care , the care management system may well prove a fruitful means of distilling a core group of patients who will benefit from clozapine therapy .
11 When similar restructuring exercises have happened in industry a core group of policymakers has met , initially to produce policy guidelines but then to take the issues identified by personnel managers on the ground and to develop policy guidelines to deal with them .
12 For a core group of clients the case management services must be assertive ( Bond et al. , 1988 ) .
13 A core group of individuals does seem to stay in association with each other over extended periods , although there may be some coming and going within that time .
14 A core group of participants from France , Italy , Germany and UK have since put forward proposals for a research network under The European Commission 's Human Capital and Mobility initiative .
15 You may wish to inform a specialist group of people , or give them a reward or an incentive .
16 A management group of specialists ( including representatives of the Countryside Council for Wales , Dyfed Wildlife Trust , Otter Project Wales and RSPB Wales ) helped draw up the initial conservation plan and now guides all aspects of the management and monitoring programme .
17 Look at LD-50 — that 's a mandatory test to establish the concentration of a product which will kill at least half of a test group of animals .
18 The study was undertaken in the summer of 1985 using a structured interviewing system of a sample group of farmers working in the East Anglian Region .
19 Brown and Birley ( 1968 ) found 46 per cent of their sample of schizophrenic patients to have experienced an independent life event ( one unlikely to have been a consequence of the previous illness ) in the three weeks before onset , compared to 14 per cent of a comparison group of factory and office workers in the three weeks prior to their interview .
20 Similarly , Delozier ( 1982 ) has described the histories of eighteen ‘ typical ’ abusing mothers , which show that their childhood contained much more by way of threat of abandonment and harm than that of a comparison group of mothers .
21 The mothers of children admitted into care expressed less warmth and showed less sensitivity in their parenting , and their child control was less effective , than in a comparison group of families .
22 One way in which such factors are isolated is by comparing parents known to batter their children with a control group of parents who have no history of child abuse ( Lynch and Roberts 1977 , for example ) .
23 Baldwin 's ( 1985 ) study of parents caring for a severely disabled child showed that the mothers , economic activity rates were almost half those of a control group of mothers who did not have a disabled child ( 33 per cent and 59 per cent respectively ) .
24 With a view to identifying these factors , the researchers aim to study a group of nine to thirteen-year olds currently in medium/long-term foster care together with their carers and compare their social and educational experiences with those of a control group of children living with their own families but known to social services departments and receiving help .
25 In fact their performance was slightly better than a control group of subjects who had one night 's sleep deprivation with no prior selective deprivation .
26 A prospective cohort study [ 6 ] carried out on a general population in the west of Scotland found that mortality from all causes was higher in passive smokers than in a control group of nonsmokers , as were all causes of death related to smoking , including mortality from lung cancer and ischaemic heart disease .
27 Unfortunately , the necessary link to warrant this second conclusion — a control group of catholics in a multi-denominational situation — was simply not available to Salters , and so the argument is void .
28 Those conclusions were reached on the basis of answers from a control group of employees in the office that matched the administrative levels of those accused of acting improperly and the racial composition of those making the allegations .
29 He had a control group of people who were not acquiring pets , all of whom were interviewed at home and completed self-report questionnaires that measure physical and psychological health .
30 A disconsolate group of climbers sitting round a kitchen table all lean forward and peer out at the iron-grey clouds rumbling past .
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