Example sentences of "a [noun sg] had [pron] been " in BNC.

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1 Farrar was educated at the Rev. Thomas Arnold 's private oral school at Northampton and was a child prodigy who passed both the London University and Cambridge University examinations by the time he was 17 , and could no doubt have gone on towards a degree had he been inclined to do so .
2 Not for a moment had she been able to deceive herself that she was anything but bad , truly bad .
3 This is probably why Blakemore would have been given a licence had one been needed under previous legislation .
4 The thundering in her heart had grown so enormous that she would not have heard a thing had there been an earthquake .
5 Gustave would have made me into a hermit had he been able : the hermit of Paris .
6 But I discerned that she was a pretty child , one who would have grown into a beauty had she been allowed the opportunity to age .
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