Example sentences of "a [noun sg] is make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although such a payment is made in a very limited number of cases , this booklet 's authors are dead against it being made automatic ; after all
2 He published a paper by ex-sapper Kenneth Koop , in which a case is made for the alignments being the remains of an early survey of Britain .
3 Such a direction is made by the planning authority but has to be confirmed by the Secretary of State .
4 Although a measure of ambivalence is quite usual , it is at this point that a decision is made about going public .
5 Input is coded and a decision is made about the possible characters it represents ( Frishkopf and Harmon , 1961 ; Munson , 1968 ; Tappert , 1982 ; Wright , 1989 ) .
6 ‘ Our director 's secretary Campbel Ogilvie is over for the draw and he will stay until a decision is made on the situation . ’
7 However , my hon. Friend can be assured that I have listened attentively to what he has said and his points will be considered carefully before a decision is made on whether the application should be called in .
8 The Edinburgh council official who 's paid for doing nothing will have to wait another month , before a decision is made on his future .
9 But it will be several months before a decision is made on whether the Yoke Farm travellers can stay .
10 Until a decision is made on whether the building gets listed status , the protestors say they 're staying put .
11 ( 1 ) a board can only be required to give reasons in connection with the types of decision specified in s.5(2) where the request for a decision is made in accordance with subs .
12 A reduction is made in respect of the third and successive pupils of the same family .
13 The use of a software package such as ‘ Office Power ’ with the ability to generate on-line a standard response to correspondence would dramatically improve the response time in dealing with most enquiries from individual and ensure that a response is made within a matter of days .
14 A correction is made for any ammonia already in the sample Reduction with Devarda 's alloy is an effective technique .
15 If a correction is made for the amount of ammonium cations (
16 To allow for the mass present in a mountain range above the reference surface the theoretical pull of the rock , based on an assumed average rock density , is subtracted from the free-air anomaly ( or a correction is made for the presence of sea water if the point is over the ocean ) .
17 When a contract is made following initial telephone contact and one party tries to rely on its standard terms , it is likely that the other will dispute the incorporation of the terms .
18 Where a contract is made on the footing of the existence of a licence , and it appears that the licence is subject to qualifications , the contract can not be enforced : Modlen v. Snowball ( 1861 ) 4 De G.F. & J. 143 .
19 Suppose that a contract is made for the provision of a network to link individual computers together , a term in the contract stating that the network will support at least 16 microcomputers .
20 It comes in 3 refreshing flavours : Tropical , Orange and Grapefruit & Pineapple , and what 's more , for every can sold , a donation is made to WWF .
21 Sometimes a ‘ control ’ is available as when , for example , a change is made in England and Wales but not Scotland or when laws diverge in adjacent states of the USA .
22 When a study is made of passages that appear in all three Gospels , there are very few occasions when Matthew and Luke agree on wording against Mark .
23 A study is made of the social characteristics of medical men , their social origins , incomes , household structures , and place and type of residence .
24 Most importantly , they have a specific set of connections between their neurons , so that if a cut is made in a set of nerves leading to a muscle , that specific muscle becomes paralysed .
25 Having returned to London , the Goldsmiths considered the subject and it is remarkable that , after so many years in which scarcely a mention is made of Stockport in the Minute Books , it now occupied so much of their attention for five years .
26 A search is made for a number of special tag patterns and parse fragments and the parse structure suitably modified .
27 A search is made by pupils name or by the title of an return .
28 A modification is made to the usual method of applying probabilistic information .
29 This sequence occurs whenever a reference is made to the file , and it is helpful to examine each stage of the process :
30 Thus if at this moment someone said something to me about " that ugly little statue on your fireplace " and accompanied this with an appropriate gesture , I should have little difficulty in identifying the object to which he is referring , but identification may not be so easy if a reference is made to an object that is not accessible to immediate perception , or of which I have no knowledge whatever .
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