Example sentences of "a [noun sg] and [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Lewis had n't made up his mind whether to sell Wyvis Hall after he had smartened it up a bit and with the proceeds buy a bigger and better London house and a country cottage or to keep the Hall and sell off some of the land for agriculture .
2 That slowed things down a bit and on the second day England made some progress through the wickets .
3 Staring straight ahead at the road before him , the driver went on talking , telling me of his boyhood ambition to be a footballer and of the Mafia-like behaviour of the modern IRA .
4 He was under no illusion about the management types : ‘ They act a part and in the end the part becomes them ! ’
5 The words had come out in a babble and by the time he had gathered his wits and been able to respond she had put the phone down .
6 It climbs up to and over a ridge and on the ascent reveals an exquisite vista of Loch Maree , a foretaste of joys to come .
7 Delivery of a certificated transfer is treated by a buyer and by the company as equivalent to delivery of a transfer and the relevant certificate .
8 Although many of the reactions were hostile , there was some welcome for the idea of a framework and for the consultation process .
9 ‘ We passed outside the city walls , and after a little walk , entered ; i green garden door , and made our way to a little plain square building , in which were arranged wooden benches , a pulpit and below the pulpit a plain wooden table and chair .
10 Consideration should therefore be given to the risks of fire-spread through such a roof and into the flank wall of the warehouse , or similar accommodation .
11 In the room which focuses on sight , visitors see , hear and feel themselves being poured out of a can of draught Guinness , into a glass , down a mouth and through the human body .
12 The Vietnamese were appalled at the idea of a woman undergoing a trip in such a condition and in the end their forebodings proved justified : Elizabeth lost her baby .
13 In the first class compartments the seating was two a side and in the brake third three a side .
14 Where is the accountability in a policy that fails to take account of the number of people living in a house , and leaves businesses without a vote and at the mercy of local authorities ?
15 without protest from a parent , without a protest from a hunter without a protest from er a anyone else , that is a shame , because I tell you what , if you go drag hunting , you can keep the jobs the people are still going to have to shoe the horses traders and people like that are still going to have to produce the carriages to take the horses with them and the only people job jobs are in jeopardy are not the kennel staff it 's the terrier men and to be quite honest , ladies and gentlemen , it 's the terrier men who have actually ruined your sport , cos of what they get up to in nineteen ninety three is a disgust and at the end of the day your P R has been absolutely wrong and I hope this afternoon that Conservatives and Liberals can join with us and I 've got to thank a certain Liberal because he 's he 's put his head on the block on several occasions on this when we stood on the platform as individuals , not as politicians , as individuals on this and I think that this afternoon we 've got a way forward , we can say to the hunt , come and talk you change , we 'll give you access .
16 Order is maintained by the inviolability of the hard core of a programme and by the positive heuristic that accompanies it .
17 Hippocrates canvassed oil obtained by the destructive distillation of amber for asthma , as a stimulant and in the form of a liniment for the chest .
18 Jennings [ 1990 ] Crim LR 588 ( CA ) confirmed the need for there to be a crime and for the unlawful act to be identified .
19 On the Saturday he was ordained a priest and on the following morning , appropriately the feast of St Peter 's Chair , the full ceremonial began in St Peter 's , when Innocent , anointed with the holy oils by Octavian , cardinal bishop of Ostia , was consecrated a bishop .
20 If every inhabitant was now to become a citizen and without the former property qualification , empire provided a vicarious property qualification for the Master Race .
21 The point is that there could be such a command and at the level of that command where , as it were , the answer would be received , no information would ever be received about the other senses of ‘ bar ’ that the system as a whole might happen to know about in its dictionary , and the procedures for surveying that range of senses would never be revealed .
22 Larsson was a journalist and until the end of 1989 head of the Labour Market Board responsible for employment and training services .
23 He was educated privately and at Columbia Law School , and worked as a lawyer and in the family estates before entering the New York State Assembly as a Republican in 1877 .
24 In this case the developer would probably say to the local authority , I want this site and it 's all or nothing , which then puts the local authority in a dilemma and in the sense its allocated sites are now seen to be some form second status .
25 All three men jumped in their seats , and Mike Pumfrey and Fenniway were on their feet in a second and through the door .
26 The castle had three wings , towers , a moat and in the southern wing the Reichsführer had his own apartments and his especial pride , the enormous dining hall where selected members of the SS would meet in a kind of Court of Honour .
27 This was the plan I laid down , and the first time I had occasion to try it in practice was the Summer before the last [ 1774 ] & I then did it in the case of a Lady and in the hottest weather : the next Body I tried these experiments upon was Jan y .
28 Marks suggested that after a careful time-and-distance run from the centre of Rotterdam , we would all drop a flare and at the same time fire a red Very light .
29 Any social worker of experience has encountered cases of marital disruption or dissonance resulting from obsessive preoccupation and affection of one parent with a child and from the tensions and jealousies arising in the other parent .
30 The heading ( on the receipts side of the ledger ) read : ‘ Subscribed by gentlemen outside the parish for a pavilion and for the outfit of the club ’ , and there followed a list ( headed by the local member of parliament ) of men described as ‘ Esqre ’ , ‘ Mr ’ , and in several cases no prefix at all — merely surname and initial .
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