Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [that] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There appears to be substance in the legend by the surviving name of the castle , and there is further support in a couplet that still lives on , referring to his abortive attempt to divert the course of the river to surround the fortress as a moat :
2 An exceptionally aggressive horse may reduce the position of another natural herd leader ; a racehorse that always comes last may slide down the social scale ; whereas a horse low in self-esteem and of a more passive and gentle nature , may , if its confidence is given a considerable boost , decide to dominate other horses formerly higher in the pecking order .
3 We 're just going up to Eastgate Bike Shop to try and get a cable that just snapped
4 And his smile , appearing slowly as he looked down at us , gleamed with a whiteness that almost hurt .
5 A curriculum that genuinely values the practical as highly as the theoretical or academic must be geared to a public assessment system that does the same , and from which only the severely mentally handicapped , and not all of them , will need to be totally excluded .
6 And it was Philip , it is said , who insisted on Edward joining the Royal Marines — a decision that nearly broke his sensitive son and ended in an embarrassing scandal when Edward quit .
7 BBC commentator Harry Carpenter was under fire last night after he said Fidel Castro Smith had in fact beaten victor Henry Wharton in their Commonwealth super-middleweight showdown — a decision that also had Bruno up in arms .
8 It was a decision that almost completed their ruin .
9 The serious business of taking the tough decisions necessary to agree on a budget that both puts the deficit on a downward path and meets the government 's priorities has virtually disappeared .
10 It was a budget that severely cut services to vulnerable people .
11 ‘ At the time perhaps it was a creative influence on our music , but all I ended up with was a jaw that continually hurt me .
12 ‘ At the time perhaps it was a creative influence on our music , but all I ended up with was a jaw that continually hurt me .
13 John Dearlove in his critique of the reorganisation of British local government reviews a literature that consistently points to a decline in the standards of councillors .
14 FOR accurate timekeepers , a watch that automatically sets itself to special radio time signals will be launched in Europe later this year .
15 From that small beginning I noted down quotations that I found meaningful , prayers that I found helpful to my spiritual life , occasionally writing a prayer that almost wrote itself after a meditation .
16 Where root crops are fed on the ground to cattle the rabbit has easy pickings and it remains interested and satisfied with the debris littering a field that once held a root crop .
17 For him , Bridgnorth would always be associated with the antics of a ghost that obviously liked railway engines and would appear from time to time to warn of impending accidents .
18 They give some impression of the life and environment of the wealthy and influential but cause one to forget , or overlook , the lives of the majority of people living at a lower level of survival — a majority that probably includes the makers of the art object .
19 Googol 's voice was filled with black wonder , with a fearful admiration , a certain desolation of the heart , and yes , a horror that nevertheless coursed thrillingly through his nerves .
20 Shortly before ten o'clock in the morning , the Angelina , almost slack-sailed and ghosting along under a Meltemi that hardly rated as a zephyr , tied up along the starboard side of the Ariadne .
21 Anyway , it seems the police have a story that roughly hangs together .
22 They would do well to remember that his record shops began by running an illegal scheme which meant that records that were marked for export ( and therefore exempt from tax ) were sold domestically , a scam that only ended when Branson was caught and fined .
23 For a genre that often takes itself too seriously , it 's reassuring to know that Les 's jokes remain his greatest joy .
24 He meets their eyes with a look that almost confesses .
25 Their research on Malaysian and Singaporean women export-industry workers ( a category that mostly includes TNC workers ) shows that ethnicity and the availability of alternative employment can be key factors in the social and moral evaluation of women workers , and that there are substantial variations in the conceptions of factory work for women ( whether in TNCs or not ) across different communities .
26 Why should a female want to pair up with a male that already has several females when there are bachelors around ?
27 Manolo took a couple of hits of coffee , and picked up a wrist-exerciser that probably doubled as some kind of sex aid .
28 Furthermore , this " military " implication of is consistent with other words in the poem presenting suggestions of a strife and a violence that relentlessly overbear the gentle conviviality of ordinary joys : with , for example , and .
29 Acting on this principle judges have occasionally corrected a statute that foolishly said ‘ and ’ when it meant ‘ or , ’ or that foolishly said ‘ or ’ when it meant ‘ and . ’
30 For them there is a needless , lifelong fear of encountering a strange cat , a fear that sometimes ends with them refusing to go out of doors at all .
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