Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [v-ing] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I heard a photocopier going as I rummaged around , ’ he said .
2 A bailiff had found a pig wandering where it should n't and , according to city regulations , had promptly cut the animal 's throat .
3 ‘ I did get a letter once from a girl asking if I wore my underpants , ’ admits a shame-faced Sam .
4 She was in the middle of making a salad dressing when someone rang her doorbell .
5 Before I could say , ‘ You bastards ’ , they were specks in the mist as I huddled from the blizzard behind a boulder wondering if I wanted to be sick yet .
6 In a session lasting until one in the morning they had discussed Crime in Society with that lucidity which is only achieved at somewhere above the 100 mg per cent level of blood alcohol and with the comforting knowledge that one does n't have to drive home .
7 ‘ Well , I 'm in fer a right 'idin' if I ai n't got that bleedin' contraption out o' the 'ouse by the time my Joshua comes 'ome , ‘ specially if 'e 's bin on the turps again .
8 Lisa blinked up at him , for a moment wondering if he was joking , but there was not a shadow of humour in the dark eyes that met her own .
9 I thought it was a bit of a cheek seeing as I 'm due here mornings but I 've nothing against Mrs. Schofield and if she wanted me I was n't above obliging .
10 One case too many of a shopper suing after he tripped up in a supermarket is more likely to trigger reform than a hundred multimillion dollar claims against accountants .
11 It seems to be all questions this week , and I 've had a friend asking if it is possible to add stain to varnish to change the colour .
12 Somewhere distant , faint , off to my right , I can hear a cuckoo calling as he moves among the coppices and hedgerows .
13 In particular consider time limits — both for enacting and for advising , perhaps the performers have to spend at least a minute improvising before they can request advice .
14 In one typical case reported recently by the Union of Communication Workers , an operator was asked by the ambulance service to keep a woman talking until they arrived to prevent her falling into a coma .
15 His head started to swim ; he heard a voice enquiring whether he was all right , and blacked out .
16 At the end of the investigation a copy is sent by the investigating officer to the chief officer of police who will also receive from the Police Complaints Authority a memorandum indicating whether they are satisfied with the investigation .
17 Ah thought oor Damian was gonny burst a gut laughin' when he cam back fae the school and tellt us whit Miss Mackenzie had had tae pit in the register , the day the incomers signed on .
18 I sent him a letter asking if I could come and talk to him .
19 I also told them about the financial statement we had issued and afterwards received a letter asking if I would send on a financial statement , which I did " .
20 Oh I asked him to go to the insurance company and find out whether I 'm covered with them for having my aerial replaced and I wrote a letter asking if he could be empowered to sign the claim form for me
21 In Harris v Wyre Forest DC ; Smith v Bush [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 514 the House of Lords rejected an argument that a disclaimer of liability on a surveyor 's report prevented a duty of care arising in tort and therefore fell outside the Act ; applying s13 , the House held that the disclaimer was subject to the Act and could only prevent a duty arising if it satisfied the test of reasonableness .
22 Send you name and address on a postcard stating whether your hair is permed or coloured to : SHE/Iridiance and Permanence Offer , L'Oréal , 30 Kensington Church Street , London W8 4HA .
23 In this way , the legal view of insanity really becomes a view regarding whether someone should be held responsible .
24 But this time when I go back I mean to stay and die there , because , let me tell you ’ — she wagged her finger first at the Colonel and then at Reginald — ‘ there 's a time coming when there 'll be no France and very little England , or any place else . ’
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