Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [v-ing] [pron] way " in BNC.

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1 They knew , we knew and the police knew that the chance of such a case finding its way into the overloaded court system was minimal .
2 A PARCEL winging its way around the country carrying a homing device may sound like something straight from the pages of a James Bond story but there is nothing top secret about the idea .
3 An old woman , kneeling on calloused knees amid the buttercups , interrupted her prayers to shoulder away a cow grazing its way across the meadow .
4 What 's the point of being aggressive with somebody when they 're gon na walk away feeling as if they 've just been walked all over , so you 've still got the same situation you 've got one person walking away feeling a little bit fed up and the other person not so if you talk about assertiveness in terms of aggression and in terms of submission i.e. there 's going to be a winner and there 's going to be a loser depending which way round you look at it then you still have n't quite grasped what we mean by assertiveness .
5 A presence forcing its way through from the Other Side .
6 Suddenly , I see a boat weaving its way between the improbable pink granite rocks and I experience both relief and excitement .
7 ‘ I was thinking the lady looked a mite like my boy , ’ said the yeoman , slowly , unperturbably , like a dray-horse picking its way through a bog .
8 Aunt Tossie pushed her chair away from the tea table and reached for her latest square of needlework — a parrot clutching its way up the husky stem of a palm tree .
9 Pedestrians are being encouraged to slap on a new type of parking ticket if they find a car blocking their way .
10 When he set out today it had been his intention to make for the hills bordering the Golden Valley , but when he got through Blakemere the sweat was dripping from his chin and the sight of a stream tinkling its way not three yards from the road automatically brought his legs off the pedals .
11 For a few minutes we watched a tree-creeper working his way up the trunk of a tree looking for grubs until Bill the dog , crashing through the undergrowth sniffing for smells , frightened him off .
12 So really , this is no more wonderful than a dolphin learning its way around the complexities of its natural marine environment so that it may find — and catch — the best shoals of fish .
13 But it is a probability that they perceive them , not like a dog sniffing its way along a scent path , but as a motorway , illuminated by very particular lighting signals .
14 The lakes huddled in the valleys — Lakes Grey , Nordensköld and Pehoé — were speckled with small icebergs , and at the end of Lake Grey we spied the white winding-sheet of a glacier edging its way down from the ice-cap .
15 The trouble with anonymous contributions to this page , not that I 'm not grateful for anything I can get , is that the people who send them ca n't get a lovely Community Care mug whereas those like Nicholas Holbrook , ( see below ) who refuse to hide their creative light under a bushel , have a mug winging its way to them at this very moment .
16 But while it was an impressive building , with all chimneys and fancy brickwork befitting the residence of a man making his way in the world , there was something about Hill House that was not very welcoming .
17 He scratched his chin thoughtfully , making a noise like a porcupine shouldering its way through gorse .
18 The area is home to around 5,000 Warrao , Pemon , Kapon and Carib Indians , some of whom have been forced to flee their homes , with a number making their way into the Yanomami reserve .
19 She was pressing it for dear life now as if she was in a panic , and she kept her finger on it until , through the glass door , she saw the flicker of a candle weaving its way down through the shop .
20 Boy , do they have a surprise coming their way .
21 And for the ‘ trimming ’ of previous Conservative leaders she borrowed Kipling 's words : ‘ I do n't spend a lifetime watching which way the cat jumps .
22 Daley Thompson apparently lies on his bed for much of two days before a decathlon thinking his way through each event , mentally rehearsing the self-discipline needed when confronted with two failures at his first high jump or pole vault .
23 There was little to see : the expanse of sand , occasionally a rider making his way homeward on his donkey .
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