Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [vb pp] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She deliberately got a bit drunk at dinner and when the lights were switched out let her head fall on to his shoulder .
2 By the way , I know things have been a bit strained at Elland Road in recent weeks , but did the last record to be played before the team came out on saturday REALLY have to be Bruce Springsteen singing ‘ Glory days — well , they pass you by … ’
3 Hardly any thing could resist this accuracy at which I was much impressed , though a bit alarmed at Griffin himself , who sat around on a stool amid the most dreadful carnage and what was later known as flak in order to observe the behaviour and results of his phenomenal piece of artillery .
4 ‘ Well , I did get a bit depressed at times … and I got through a few pairs of shoes . ’
5 No try this time from the world-record finisher — but a parting shot at England , his favourite target .
6 The deputation decided to seek a meeting with the Board after it reversed a decision made at meetings in January and February which had given Bangor two towns .
7 The Transport and General Workers ' Union complained last night after a driver employed at RAF Stafford died from a heart attack .
8 A high grade official might also keep at hand a jade sceptre ( ju-i ) with flattened head and curved handle of a kind used at court and commonly presented by an emperor to persons of distinction , and in addition a hat-stand with carved domed head mounted on a wooden stem and base set with jade .
9 The deputy warden , John of Swynnerton , urged that consideration should be given to a perambulation made at Lambeth in 1282 before Roger Brabazon and other judges .
10 In 1980 a computer built at Bell Labs began to win regularly , though not invariably , against masters .
11 Most of the material so far has been keyed directly on to a computer housed at Guildhall Library .
12 The construction of the Gilmerton Bypass was undertaken by Miller Construction Ltd under the terms of a contract valued at £11.6 million and supervised by the staff of the Department of Highways with the Director of Highways being the Engineer for the Works .
13 Lees also had a steamboat built at Cowes named " Lee " .
14 This was amended to $100bn in a 1987 revision of the law , and now the Congressional Budget Office , which keeps track of such things , tells us that this too will be overshot , resulting in a deficit estimated at $117.8bn .
15 As an example , a capacitor rated at 16V will invariably not operate safely in a circuit which specifies a component rated at 35V .
16 William of Dene , a monk based at Rochester , wrote in 1349 : ‘ To our great grief the plague carried off so vast a multitude of people of both sexes that nobody could be found who would bear the corpses to the grave .
17 It was awarded to ’ Sprig ’ a horse bred at Bacton .
18 A horse bred at Rise and trained on the track won the St Leger in 1779 .
19 His mind flew back with ease to the last war and an up-and-coming young officer on a smoke-belching dread-nought at Jutland .
20 Mr Anderson , who has a boat moored at Hartlepool Marina , said : ‘ I will now go around Sedgefield in County Durham , to get to Hartlepool .
21 Already a study conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital contradicts the Canadian results .
22 from nets North sea cod are becoming smaller in an evolutionary attempt to beat fisherman 's nets , according to a study conducted at York University .
23 ( A study undertaken at Loughborough university will shortly show that there is a significant Lib-Dem voting presence among CND 's membership . )
24 Such was the enthusiasm generated by the initial successes with the organochlorine insecticides like DDT , BHC and dieldrin that most of the malarious nations of the world , excepting those in tropical Africa , gladly joined in the eradication programme that the World Health Organisation ( WHO ) began in the late 1950s ; a programme aimed at eradication of the disease rather than the mosquitoes that carried it .
25 The most notable example of the use of an oboe band on stage is a mascarade performed at Versailles in 1688 entitled Le mariage de la Grosse Cathos , for which Andre Danican Philidor composed the music .
26 If a ring valued at £350 is stolen , there is cover under both policies but the maximum payable is £300 , assuming that a £50 excess applies .
27 Mountain View , California-based , Clarity Software Inc , has cut a porting and distribution agreement with Sumisho Electronics Systems Inc in Japan , a deal valued at $500,000 in its first year : Sumisho , an affiliate of Sumitomo Corp , the giant trading company , will help Clarity translate Rapport — its Unix office automation software — into Japanese , then sell it locally .
28 In a deal signed at Pakistan 's Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources last month , LASMO Oil Pakistan [ LOPL ] assigned half of its working interest in its block 36 licence to Shell , marking the oil giant 's return to the country after nearly 10 years .
29 As an example , a capacitor rated at 16V will invariably not operate safely in a circuit which specifies a component rated at 35V .
30 That of the second piece is very similar to the smaller coin , a denarius struck at Rome , and indicates that it too was minted at Rome and then transported to Syria .
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