Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [pers pn] get [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably as a journalist you get to know a large number of people , and it 's people who make appointments .
2 ‘ In my day , if you held the ball for more than a second you got clattered , really clattered . ’
3 IT 'S not a question you get asked every day but do look like Gary Lineker ?
4 It 's a job you get shouted at is removals , very often .
5 For just a minute I got gone deaf .
6 Well that 's a feeling you got moving around that er what the hell was the good of coming to a meeting you had no say in your conditions or wages or whatever .
7 Now you 're much closer to the pointed end than I am , I do n't sell anything , I 'm just a cost , and if you do n't make a profit I get fired do n't I ?
8 Rachel fidgets round the room like it 's a hotel we got to leave by ten .
9 He is perching on the railway , six stops down the line , with a stationmaster he got to know somehow when he was on the town in Petersburg — the Dostoevsky no-home at its most stripped and strange in this novel of aimless movement .
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