Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [art] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He had invited her to join the ladies ' sewing circle , and even suggested that she might like to attend the Tuesday evening Bible readings which he ran — he was sure that ‘ dear Miss Mates ’ would release her for the hour and a half the readings usually took .
2 Says Nina : ‘ If it 's a girl the courts often deem she needs her mum 's influence .
3 These include the different rates of production for speech , and writing , the degree of standardisation in writing as opposed to speech and the absence in writing of intonational features that can only be compensated for by sentence patterns which provide to a degree the emphases more readily available in speech .
4 Now one of the comments of Pausanias is that before a battle the Celts neither employed a Greek soothsayer nor made sacrifices according to national custom — if indeed , as Pausanias pointedly remarks ( 10.21.1 ) , there is such a thing as Celtic divination .
5 This means that if you start with a random collection of objects above the hole , and some force shakes and jostles them about at random , after a while the objects above and below the hole will come to be nonrandomly sorted .
6 When reviewers criticise software for not including such a facility the manufacturers often reply that it 's only journalists who are interested in this feature and that ‘ ordinary users ’ find a word count irrelevant .
7 One of the most beautiful things about Ballycollton is its setting ; runners follow a route along country lane with the sea as a backdrop/ The sounds just perfect , unless it rains !
8 The Russian Provisional Government could hardly do less , a position the Bolsheviks also accepted after the October revolution .
9 Due to Sir William MacAlpine 's much-publicised visit a couple a years ago , some £500,000 is to be spent in repairing and reconstructing it .
10 Well that , that boat from Evesham that we went out on a couple a years ago it had a fish finder on it .
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