Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [noun sg] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 The installation of pre-payment meters is one reason why the number of disconnections has fallen , but more important is the fact that the regional electricity companies , under the terms of their licence , have to approve a code of conduct with the Office of Electricity Regulation and must offer customers who are in genuine difficulties a payment plan so that debt can be paid off over a period .
2 Lopez gave him a kitchen towel so that he could wipe himself up with , handed him his discarded clothes and sent him on his way via the Hippodrome 's back door .
3 This evening , or over the weekend , I will be putting together a mailing list so that us train spotter type supporters do n't get in the way of the real reason for Gav 's excellent listserver. ( grovel , fawn …
4 These are software products in which the expertise of a particular discipline medicine , say — is encapsulated within a computer program so that non-experts can make use of it .
5 Sample l shows the neckband with the row which was knitted by hand in a contrast colour so that you can see it more clearly .
6 Held , dismissing the appeals , that failure to observe the proper procedures for service was not necessarily fatal to the lawfulness of a committal order ; that the court , in exercising its discretion under section 13(3) of the Administration of Justice Act 1960 , had to take into account the interests not only of the contemnor but also of those affected by the contempt and the need to maintain its authority , and that where an irregularity caused the contemnor no injustice the committal order should not be set aside ; that since , in the first appeal , there was no requirement for personal service of a committal order so that the only irregularity was that the court , rather than the local authority had served a copy of the order on the contemnor 's solicitors , the contemnor had suffered no injustice and the order would stand ; and that , in the second appeal , since the husband was fully aware of the findings of contempt and had not sought to challenge them or the sentence imposed , he had suffered no injustice and it was appropriate in the circumstances to affirm the order despite the irregularities which had occurred ( post , pp. 822B–C , F — 823B , 823C–E , 824B–D , F , 825C–D , 826D–F ) .
7 The main issue here is " possession for supply " and it is sufficient if the goods are in a stock room so that , in effect , they do not have to be exposed for supply at the business premises of the supplier ( Stainthorpe v Bailey [ 1980 ] RTR 7 ) .
8 It strings a series of acceptably lucky events ( random mutations ) together in a nonrandom sequence so that , at the end of the sequence , the finished product carries the illusion of being very very lucky indeed , far too improbable to have come about by chance alone , even given a timespan millions of times longer than the age of the universe so far .
9 This gives the context-specification of the Book-title context with its font ( F= ) and colour ( RGB= ) ; it is represented as a troff comment so that the line is stripped out when a spelling check of the document is made .
10 After the dog is clipped to the tug line it is clipped to a neck line so that it is held tight in position relative to the tow line .
11 It 's a , it 's a briefing document so that er all those involved are , that all those that are involved on the operation erm , are as well informed as is possible .
12 Read the manufacturer 's descriptions carefully , for some of the smaller pools are really rock pools which are intended to sit near the summit of a rock garden so that water tumbles down a cascade unit into a pool below .
13 Many databases which use SQL provide a QBE interface so that inexperienced users can formulate queries quickly ( the data definition will usually have been carried out by a more experienced user using SQL and complex queries will also use SQL ) .
14 The problem of how to record all the informant said would be best dealt with by means of a tape recorder so that the complete verbatim record could be kept and referred to when needed later .
15 Some patients had a repeat biopsy so that more than one in vitro agent could be evaluated .
16 A review process so that ‘ weightings ’ developed for differing subjects do not become ‘ binding precedents ’ but can be changed and adjusted as experience or circumstances dictate .
17 Mrs. X told me in a telephone conversation today that the acting commanding officer and the warrant officer , who is the family officer , have informed her that the man is to return within the next two weeks .
18 Drop the front bed and push the ‘ knots ’ between the beds up towards the back bed with a transfer tool so that the true stitches on the front bed can be seen clearly .
19 Techniques for going up and down stairs , through doors and in narrow spaces should be properly demonstrated by a mobility expert so that pupils guiding a blind friend can do it in a safe , efficient way .
20 The Secretary of State expects LEAs to give a ‘ clear and explicit ’ ( 1988b ) basis for devising or amending a resource-allocation formula so that all concerned understand exactly how it operates .
21 They wanted Benjamin to be fuzzy enough as a fantasy figure so that everyone in America could identify with him without joining the Movement .
22 Do n't put beds or chests in front of them and fit a safety catch so that they 'll only open a little way .
23 Above all , we must move junior doctors on to a shift system so that they do not work more than 60 hours , coming down to 56 hours in the most intensive posts .
24 Even if you are confident of your ability to manage a compost heap so that it becomes hot enough to cleanse itself of disease spores , there remains the risk of the subsequent compost matter containing thorns which are extremely resistant to decomposition .
25 There might be a , there might be a security camera there that catches them coming in .
26 If the case has been issued take out a consent order so that interest runs on the costs .
27 It is also used in many of the cakes for decorative effects , piping , and backgrounds that are peaked up with a palette knife so that the icing hardens into a choppy surface to represent grass or sea .
28 Spread the American frosting over the body of the sheep and swirl with a palette knife so that it looks like a woolly coat .
29 The obtaining in advance of irrevocable commitments to accept a takeover offer so that the result of the offer is a foregone conclusion .
30 ‘ We shall be getting together in a team meeting so that we can get people 's heads up .
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