Example sentences of "a [adj] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 According to his contemporary biographer , Richard Sibbes [ q.v. ] , the dominant influence on his early years was his uncle , Sir Henry Yelverton [ q.v. ] , who persuaded him to set aside his early inclination to become a divine and pursue his studies in the law .
2 Yet he opened his challenge for The Masters with a 75 and closed it with an 81 .
3 Being in control and being assertive also means being able to start things off-for example , being able to start a conversation with a stranger and expressing your opinions .
4 Then the righteous will reply , ‘ Lord , when was it that we saw you hungry and fed you , or thirsty and gave you drink , a stranger and took you home , or naked and clothed you ?
5 Many a time she had seen the hounds draw such a covert and heard them open and challenge as the fox broke .
6 She 's a professional and does everything right .
7 Well , yes I mean he says yes , yes he does say about that , he says that he has no doubt that there was a historical and said there were two Moses .
8 In the end George ate all of his , but Libby faithfully saved a few and wrapped them in a paper bag .
9 I step on a few and watch them crack in the middle like a sheet of glass .
10 In case we do have a hard winter however , it might be worth potting up a few and over-wintering them , if you have n't already saved some of last year 's generously produced and well-ripened seed .
11 Yeah if they if their churning out the stock that tu tend to churn out , I mean I go along for an enquiry for a few and find they 've got thousands in stock .
12 erm so you know but you may find if you give , print off a few and give them to a few people over the weekend
13 Try putting a little badge on the front of a top and placing it face down .
14 Barry Abrook became the first UK skater to spin a 540 and make it .
15 Failing that , make Punch a monthly instead of a weekly and charge us more .
16 She recalled singing in both operas at Boosback as a 16-year-old and says she was amazed to be given the female lead in The Beggars ' and only three weeks in which to learn the words and music !
17 She thought that McAllister had never seen misery before , and that her response to it was a warm and loving one — and practical , too .
18 As a younger and have plenty of time to worry about the menopause before it happens
19 Louis carefully folded his handkerchief into a square and laid it on the deck beside his chair .
20 When I returned to my flat the cat meowed a welcome and rubbed himself against my legs .
21 You may find it useful actually to write similar sentences or even your introductory chat on your question list to remind you if your mind goes a blank and to help you see the shape of the interview you are planning .
22 On miserable days when both of us were low , he would delve into the depths of a pannier and give me a mini Mars bar or some peanuts .
23 But King struck back immediately with a three and maintained his composure in the closing stages when Allcock killed an end and twice retrieved his fortunes with King at match point .
24 Hector the dog growled under his breath , shifting a little and eyeing her .
25 One thing er pu puzzles me a little and gives me a little difficulty , that is erm the addendum refers to an invitation to all baptised members .
26 His wife Anne says that he DID drink in Saudi , but would never have committed the more serious offence of running a still and selling its produce .
27 He kept her prisoner in her own home and threatened to electrocute her on a sunbed and burn her with an iron .
28 Discern a Failing and forgive it too :
29 If you press a key and hold it down rather than just tapping it , you will type the same character again and again ; or , if you are deleting text , you may delete more than you meant to — so keep your touch light .
30 He took out a key and let himself into the building .
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