Example sentences of "a [adj] [det] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She spent a pleasant few minutes thinking of her small business where she designed and made exclusive wedding gowns for a rapidly growing circle of customers , but Dana 's early-morning phone call refused to be dismissed .
2 RITCHIE TAYLOR , a junior All Blacks centre , has helped to transform Bridgwater and Albion this season from strugglers to winners of a promotion and cup double .
3 We urged the WO to get the SoS to revoke a few such departure applications to send a clear signal to these ( and all planning authorities ) , that the SoS expects them to follow Government guidance .
4 There may be a few more Mitterrand loyalists , a few less Rocard supporters and non-Socialist centrists , and one more woman ( seven out of 46 ministers , including the new prime minister , Edith Cresson ) .
5 Show-jumping desperately needs a few more character horses .
6 it is perhaps a tribute to the resilience of both that they can come together at all : for the result , we may have to wait a few more cricket seasons .
7 I do n't think I really minded what happened , though certainly the thought of a few more cannon shells flying past me did n't exactly cheer me up .
8 A few more work experience spells on NME should stand you in jolly good stead for the future .
9 But after a few more choice obscenities slide by she turns to me and , smiling , says , ‘ I 'm doing my best .
10 But the way he works at his game , do n't rule out the possibility of a few more wonder balls this summer .
11 It is certain that the news of Mr Souness 's impending operation will have created a few more worry lines of the face of First Division management .
12 Luckily by then we had enough material — together with a few more worry lines .
13 She suddenly wished that she had Finn here so that she could tell him a few more home truths .
14 A few units , inevitably , were not warned in time , the radio messages and despatch riders did not get through , but nothing serious happened , a few more border incidents at dawn , adding to a list already long , was all .
15 A few more fifty-rupee notes were offered , but again Chaman shook her head .
16 A few more trade figures like that and we will see the market fall further . ’
17 There may be a few more Mitterrand loyalists , a few less Rocard supporters and non-Socialist centrists , and one more woman ( seven out of 46 ministers , including the new prime minister , Edith Cresson ) .
18 PS Please , please print my letter and please put a few more Jennifer Capriati pictures in your magazine .
19 And Gwyn 's hoping Rambo will father a few more record breakers in the future .
20 Caerphilly , he suggests , is a bit like Bishop Auckland ( Bishop Auckland with a few more chip shops ) but the outlying villages belong , uniquely , to the Valleys .
21 In writing , you will discover what can and can not be done , and then perhaps you will have to modify your attention-grabbing murder , if only by having a few fewer porcupine quills .
22 Arriving late to find all moving stairways were out of order a panicky half mile sprint was needed to catch our plane .
23 A complimentary half day excursion for all guests staying 2 May–12 Jun and 5–26 Sept .
24 It was during a short stay in December 1986 with friends at their cottage near the village of Carno in beautiful Mid Wales that first learnt of a nearby former railway station coming up for sale .
25 Prepare for a far-fetched tale of a prospective bird-breeder called ‘ Rambo ’ , a burly former Yorkshire miner who admits he prefers his ducks buried under a mountain of cranberry sauce .
26 Prepare for a far-fetched tale of a prospective bird-breeder called ‘ Rambo ’ , a burly former Yorkshire miner who admits he prefers his ducks buried under a mountain of cranberry sauce .
27 He may also have a separate All Risks policy covering unspecified valuables — Sum Insured £5,000 — Single Article Limit £200 .
28 The challengers include two congressmen and a heterodox former Republican senator who stirs strong emotions on both sides of the political fence .
29 He specified the relationship as a simple least squares regression as follows : where
30 Of particular importance to the family was the proximity of the synagogue itself , a mere few minutes walk through the park .
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