Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] as [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Stop it ! ’ she hissed , engulfed by a shameful heat as his soft words stirred unwelcome emotions .
2 As soon as my mother saw the train on its way , we took the renowned Edinburgh cable car to a photographer at Piershill to have my very first picture taken , which was a shouted instruction as my father disappeared into the darkness of a Princes Street tunnel and the acrid smoke of what I was told to be a " Puffing Billy " .
3 Her proposal of marriage came as a complete surprise as her boyfriend popped the question while they were on holiday in Spain .
4 He then fainted and there was a loud bang as his head hit the floor .
5 In public debate marriage can take on a political significance as its supporters and opponents do battle over whether or not it is good for men , good for women and good for society .
6 ‘ I 'm not married ! ’ she retorted , and for a few moments as her world righted itself and she realised that she must have momentarily got her wires crossed , because he had already told her he was not married , she realised too that , up until a moment ago , he must have thought her — Mrs Barnaby Stewart .
7 And the animals were certainly in for a few surprises as our team of ten raced by wearing bright yellow ‘ Wimpey Worldwide ’ T-shirts and hard hats .
8 The sun was showing a different sheen as its beams passed over a stretch of the stone floor .
9 Yet she could n't withhold a compassionate gasp as her eye caught sight of blood trickling down his cheek .
10 She knew an instant 's anger at her own lack of foresight — she should have known Adam 's inquisitor would n't be alone — then all the training she 'd undergone in self-defence took over and she jabbed both elbows savagely backward , hearing her attacker give a pained grunt as his grip on her loosened .
11 AMAZED Janet Johnson listened aboard a packed airliner as her boy-friend proposed from 3,000 miles away — using the pilot as a go-between .
12 There was a tiny splash as its mouth lifted above the surface , then it sank down again , merging with the darkness .
13 Ice-climbing is n't such a technique-intensive business as its rockier counterpart .
14 Some of Bach 's melodies , however , are so freely formed that it is impossible to decide whether , like the above Sarabande , they could have had a simple outline as their origin , or whether Bach followed a free vein of inspiration , ignoring a well-defined construction .
15 They must be mad that they should expect such a delicate business as his preparation of Vologsky to be speeded up as though it was a crude operation on a factory bench .
16 ‘ Really … ? ’ he drawled , raising a dark eyebrow as his fingertips idly drew patterns on her soft , yielding flesh .
17 Men were converging on the ring from all directions , walking with a swaying motion as their hooked boots engaged the ceiling rings .
18 Then a flaring swish as its propellant ignited , accelerating it helter-skelter accumulating redoubtable kinetic energy .
19 STOCK market newcomer Drew Scientific made a promising debut as its shares raced ahead to 155p some 50p ahead of the placement price .
20 He arrived on the 18th tee needing a par to get into a play-off and , with an extraordinary demonstration of the tension involved , jumped up and down half a dozen times as his tee shot headed inexorably for the bunker on the left .
21 As he did so , Ace felt a brief strain and a sudden freedom as her hands were released from their bonds .
22 The Gib'Sea family of yachts allow you to move up to a larger craft as your requirements progress — you can select from the comprehensive range , 24′ to 52′ , while remaining loyal to a marque you can trust .
23 There was a sickening lurch as my chute opened and my harness tightened round me so that I could hardly breathe .
24 The coachman went down ; there was a sickening sound as his head made contact with one of the bollards on the quay .
26 The publishers of this book , Macmillan Education , use a large M as their logo and you will find it displayed on the base of the spine of this book .
27 Some companies even report losing credibility for a brief period as their documents have been so badly presented .
28 Soviet lock Sergei Sergeyev , one of the finds of the inaugural tournament , gets a helping hand as his side suffer their only reversal in the pool matches , losing 10–8 to Italy .
29 Maria sent him a smouldering glance as her mind screamed its resistance to the idea of there ever being anything personal between them , and every muscle in her body clenched in physical imitation of that wild denial .
30 She gave a little gasp as his grip tightened .
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