Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 This included important towns and cities such as Coventry and Brighton , but others were also opened in Pontypridd , Salisbury , Cambridge , and Exeter — the last being one of the last cities where a deaf school had been long established to found an adult institute .
2 A lead model for a square-headed brooch has been identified in Geneva ( Bonnet and Martin 1982 ) .
3 When the original object of a wishful impulse has been lost as a result of repression , it is frequently represented by an endless series of substitute objects none of which , however , brings full satisfaction ’ ( vii .
4 If , for example , a shy child has been very quiet in what is supposed to be a television interview , a positive way of dealing with it is to acknowledge it as something that has happened within the dramatic fiction : " Most of us would get very nervous being interviewed for TV ; I know I would .
5 During the close season in 1974 a dry moat had been constructed and new barriers installed .
6 Previous restrictions on the transfer of shares in private companies and the limit on the number of members of a private company have been removed .
7 In the absence of a public registry , a private registry has been created by an NVOCC trade association .
8 Although the risk of transmission of HIV is greater with a hollow needle , at least one case of transmission associated with an injury with a solid needle has been reported .
9 However , a possible explanation has been put forward by Brooks et al ( 1971 ) , which proposes that softening of the atheromatous plaque may be due to the presence of unusual lipids ( cholesteryl esters of hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid ) found in high concentrations in ulcerated plaques ( Harland et al , 1971 ) which are thought to produce smooth muscle cell necrosis at the base of the plaque .
10 He notes that : ‘ the Institution was built in a Quadrangle Form , having now in the centre a large lawn or grass plot surrounded by posts and chains , and that between the Buildings and these a broad Pathway had been left , partly paved with stones … used chiefly for testing the freedom from lameness of Horses sent for examination prior to purchase ; as well as for ascertaining the progress of those under treatment in the Infirmary for lameness arising from various causes .
11 The chance of ‘ uniform anti-fascist and democratic development ’ in a unified country had been thrown away .
12 A stately home has been saved from falling down by its new owners .
13 Mr. Chapman 's last entry in the journal noted that at 8.45 a.m. a ten-year-old boy had been in the sick ward for three days but had been taken much worse .
14 He felt his skin tingle , he felt the fine hair all along his spine react as if a low current had been run through him .
15 By the end of that Test they were two down with two to play , and it is difficult to think of any England tour where such a low point had been reached .
16 A STRONG attack has been made on ministers for failing to deliver on promises made three years ago to build a new dental hospital in Edinburgh .
17 Anti-papalism was also by now endemic , and a strong link had been forged in people 's minds between Protestantism and English nationalism .
18 For several years a strong link has been reported between food sensitivity and overpopulation with a yeast , Candida albicans .
19 A strong pound has been seen as essential if inflation is to be kept low .
20 A total catastrophe had been averted .
21 Further questioned by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , he conceded that no such review had taken place , and that no additional safety checks had been called for before the junction was opened , that although a total embargo had been introduced on single-lead junctions immediately after Bellgrove .
22 Once a normal pattern has been established , it is easier to say more about sites with abnormal patterns than those conforming to the normal one .
23 A pregnant female has been caught with young inside her attached to their yolk sacs , just like the Illinois fossil , showing that the species does not lay its eggs but gives birth to live young .
24 A not atypical list for anyone working in a history-related discipline has been outlined by Dr W Ryan , Librarian of the Warburg Institute .
25 In 1842 , for example , the government had provided twelve bursaries for the education in France of the sons of sheikhs or emirs of the Lebanon ; and a Jesuit seminary had been founded in Beirut a year later .
26 Since this is similar in shape to a cubic curve a cubic model has been popular with some authors .
27 Churchill 's proposal made at The Hague for a European Assembly had been taken up with vigour by the newly formed European Movement .
28 Since 1991 , a European strategy has been incorporated into the college development plan .
29 If the complainant is still determined to become a plaintiff , the fact that a prompt apology has been made can be relied upon by the defendant to lower the amount of damages .
30 A eight-year-old girl has been orphaned after a fire swept through her home killing her parents and little brother .
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