Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When I entered Miss Havisham 's room , there was a well-dressed lady sitting with her .
2 A disheartened army continued towards Taunton where , hearing of the superior army approaching from London , Warbeck slipped away .
3 The drive to Templeton , her Old Westbury , Long Island mansion , sweeps through a verdant meadow dotted with horse jumps , past an avenue of linden trees ( planted by her uncle-in-law J.S. Phipps in 1906 ) , and on towards a spectacular ‘ moon gate ’ trellisage — Mrs Guest 's own invention — which frames in its circled centre a vista of kitchen gardens , cutting gardens , flamboyant topiary , and the house itself , build of old weathered brick and weather- board in the Twenties Wiltshire Queen Anne vernacular .
4 A moody silence descended between brother and sister , and after a judicious interval , Belinda painted a smile on her face and joined them , hoping her cheeks were not as flushed as they felt .
5 On 11 November 1918 , at eleven hundred hours , hostilities ceased and a grateful nation stood in silence for three minutes when , on a railway carriage in the forest of Compiegne , the Armistice was signed .
6 A grateful Niki coasts towards the finish , with Nelson , a lap down , riding pillion behind him , as though to push him across the line if he runs out of fuel .
7 For example , a deaf person goes to the theatre and experiences a hearing writer being translated ; or a wheelchair-user finds art gallery paintings endlessly drawn from the shoe-using artist 's point of view .
8 This was a deaf unit attached to a Central High School .
9 In addition , there were over ten deaf children resulting from deaf intermarriages , and only two or three from a marriage of a deaf person to a hearing person — this being a deaf mother married to a hearing man , and the deaf mother 's father was also deaf .
10 We moved through the town and up a hilly field covered with vines before we entered a forest where the branches grew close above the path .
11 In his mind 's eye he saw a faceless man marching over the child 's body .
12 The Bridgewater , once the village school , has a pleasant bar decorated by mock pikes ( or halberds , or something ) and warmed by a mock coal fire .
13 ‘ We 're a pleasant company to work for , ’ he said blandly .
14 His face was not a pleasant sight to behold on awakening .
15 Chiswick — including Little Sutton and Strand-on-the-Green — could then be described as a pleasant village contained within a ‘ U ’ shaped bend of the River Thames , just off the western edge of London .
16 Willesden will be a pleasant dream compared with … .
17 The Aldrovandi Palace is a pleasant hotel set in one of the quietest areas of Rome with all the necessary facilities for a relaxed and comfortable stay in the city .
18 The narrow road to Leck goes between buildings and immediately assumes a rural character , reaching the little community of Leck after a pleasant mile graced by lovely trees .
19 In the resultant Postlethwait audio-tutorial laboratory , open from around 7.00 a.m. to 11.30 pm. , the student could come at a time of his own choosing ; at the entrance he would receive a descriptive hand-out explaining what books , notes , equipment would be necessary to bring along ; once inside he would be given a botanical specimen and would enter a pleasant area equipped with a multiplicity of booths or carrels .
20 There was still a pleasant Scots lilt to her Voice .
21 Horncastle is a pleasant town to come to and browse , for it is seldom crowded , even on market days .
22 Inside it was cool , a pleasant breeze seemed to be picking its way delicately along the corridors , ensuring no discomfort from the outside sun for the inside rich .
23 It was not a pleasant situation to deal with in a sea like that , but Sam issued his orders quickly and with complete confidence : the sail was lowered , a new sheet bent on , a reef taken , and the sail rehoisted , so that within the space of five minutes they were on their way again , and the Gribbin was drawing abeam .
24 Standing on the Braid Hills , with a fine view over the city , two miles from Princes Street , off A702 , this is a popular resort for Sunday lunches ( best book in advance ) and a pleasant spot to eat on any occasion .
25 With so much emphasis on the steroids row it 's been a pleasant distraction to take in a number of excellent Currie Cup matches .
26 I 've got to say that I did enjoy this outing ; although the day began with a freezing start it warmed up later and I had a pleasant time working amongst the iron and other junk that abounds on the riverside .
27 It has since been used on many small computers as a means of implementing a rich instruction set at a reasonable price .
28 Money mek a Rich man feel like a Big man
29 The IRA had seen to it that getting in and out of the Party conference building was like a rich man confronted with the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven , or , what was worse , like checking-in at Gatwick on an August flight to Marbella .
30 Well I remember a doctor and a rich man saying to me , I 'm gon na get out of this place , it 's just like a
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