Example sentences of "a [noun] on [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is no doubt that Saul 's Crack is not a route on which to learn the mystical art of jamming , but it is a good test of technique .
2 Concrete can also be used as a base on which to lay paving slabs on five dabs of cement and sand , or you can bed crazy paving on it .
3 ‘ I 'm after a Brian Clough-style dynasty , which we could use as a base on which to build everything else . ’
4 Angry deputies of the parliament , the Supreme Soviet , voted 125-16 to ask the Constitutional Court to rule on the president 's announcement on Saturday that he was assuming special powers to force through a referendum on who rules Russia .
5 At each point shown by a diamond on the diagram , the farmers have to make a decision on what to do with their money .
6 We agreed to have a summit meeting in Bromley High Street after school , where we 'd make a decision on what to do .
7 A suggestion that a decision on what comprises ‘ unfit conditions ’ should be influenced by how much rain was falling was answered by umpire Paul with : ‘ That 's academic . ’
8 As a result two US and two UK telephone companies are strongly competing for the network business , and a decision on who to use is expected shortly .
9 I got the tonight I 've er I 've got erm the baby seat done today sort of like a baby seat in the back so I wait until I get really lumbered like , you know , cos er , if you have the then you can take it back after it 's born and er , get a refund on it get all the money back .
10 They might as well have a badge on them saying Steal Me in big black letters .
11 ‘ I was so mad you could boil a kittle on my hid . ’
12 It simply did not , and does not , offer a framework on which to hang a convincing story … the geographer , when he analyses the material properties of the man-environment systems , must base himself on the central functions of that system , rather than on the traditional divisions of physical geography .
13 It actually gives you a framework on which to base any any few words or any talk that you you have to give .
14 Such a plan will inevitably be modified , but it does provide a framework on which to build .
15 You 've got a look on you like Dracula 's bleeding daughter ! ’
16 There was also palpable relief from the auditing section of the accountancy profession because the report had not favoured an extension of auditors ' liabilities , or recommended a ban on their providing their audit clients with other services .
17 He accepted no payment , and ignored a ban on his stroking by the Dean of Lismore .
18 That summer , however , events were to place a seal on what happened to Lewis in his Magdalen rooms .
19 If the commission , which since its inception has been the CIVC 's ComCon ( Commission Consultative ) , required a yardstick on which to base their annual increase or decrease of production limits , then it would have been more rational at the time to term the figure , whether or not it was actually 50 hectolitres per hectare , an average for the region .
20 Pushing all the forceps to one side he almost ran from the room and reappeared shortly with a tray on which reposed a long chisel and a metal mallet .
21 By the side of a registration book stood a tray on which rested a bottle of Scotch and four small glasses .
22 But once you were qualified for the job you could n't put a stranger on you had to ta teach that stranger a job .
23 ‘ We do , but there 's never enough good clothing to go round so we have to keep a check on who 's had what .
24 She so much wanted this to be exactly right ; and perhaps , by the time that Wayne returned , she 'd have enough of a grip on herself to ensure that it would be .
25 ‘ I 've got an overnight bag packed , but before we go — ’ she took a hold on herself to begin , then found that he had something he wanted to say too — and that he did n't mind cutting across what she was saying , to say it .
26 By the author 's own assertion it is not a final statement , but a reference on which to build , enabling practice and yet more practice to lead the way ahead for safe glacier travel .
27 The office was a large room on the first floor equipped with a desk on which perched three phones in different colours .
28 ’ The Fedpol must have a file on him to fill a room .
29 ‘ I came to see if there was anything in the apartment to give me a lead on who killed Mahoney , ’ I said .
30 I have come home and there is not left me a place on which to pitch my lodge .
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