Example sentences of "a [noun] that [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Pollen grains , which consist largely of precious genetic material , are quite demanding for a plant to produce and many flowers offer , either in addition or as an alternative , a payment that is considerably cheaper for it is nothing more than sweetened water , nectar .
2 5.20 Keyholders To ensure that at all times the Landlord has [ and the local Police force has ] written notice of the name home address and home telephone number of at least [ 2 ] key holder[s] of the Premises While this is not necessarily objectionable it is a provision that is easily overlooked and imposes an obligation on the tenant which may not be appropriate in the circumstances .
3 As orthodox doctors we are rightly dubious about alternative medicine and unqualified allopathists , but importing political correctness into a vocation that is not wholly scientific is loathsome .
4 Royalty finally peters out in Ilbarritz , a resort that is barely distinguishable from Biarritz proper , where King Alfonso XIII of Spain apparently got engaged and where Queen Nathalie of Serbia , hardly the best-remembered of Europe 's lost monarchies , had a home .
5 A case that is comparatively weak when argued within the department will come up against further problems in this tough forum , and a minister who successfully overrides objections within his or her own department may well lose in this wider battle .
6 The exam educates youngsters cheaply up to a level that is not reached in other countries until someone has been at university for a year .
7 A further element in this argument is the possibility that advertising can be used as part of a marketing strategy to shape the wants and needs of a less developed society in a direction that is clearly beneficial .
8 ISS focused on the fourth and fifth years because it is in these years that pupils tend to narrow their curriculum , as schools frequently have a very small core with large option schemes , with the result that some pupils pursue a curriculum that is neither broad nor balanced .
9 In a given choice situation , there is no universal criterion that dictates a decision that is logically compelling for the ’ rational ’ scientist .
10 29 a decision that is not obvious
11 Where it is not forced there could be a competitive advantage in making a decision that is so difficult that other people would not be prepared to make it .
12 ‘ People on low incomes will be getting some help to pay the fuel bills and all in all it 's a Budget that 's not as bad as we expected , ’ Mr Bull said .
13 In ninety two , three it narrowed further to twenty two percent and this year we 're proposing a budget that is only ten point eight percent adverse to the government 's figures .
14 Holland 1983 ; Rescorla 1985 ) , a term used to describe the finding that subjects can come to respond appropriately to a CS that is sometimes reinforced and sometimes not according to whether some other event ( the occasion setter ) accompanies the target CS .
15 And if ever you see an actor on stage with a deaf-aid that is not integral to the plot — be suspicious . ’
16 Like everyone else I talked to , he condemned the present education structure that encourages children to take A-level — a course that is simply not appropriate for many of those currently preparing for the exam .
17 At the centre , deep down , we have ‘ core personality ’ , highly resistant to change , and a part that is perhaps reached most effectively through psychoanalysis .
18 Chloe 's parents say it 's a sentence that 's totally inadequate .
19 Its comprehensiveness can make it difficult to read at times , but it is a text that is well worth persevering with .
20 She explains that Thru is ‘ a text that is really constructing itself and then destroying itself as it goes along … whenever I slide into a realistic scene … something happens later to destroy it , to show that these are just words on a page ’ ( 4 ) .
21 Actually some bats play a trick that is more interesting than simply emitting hoots of constant pitch and measuring the pitch of the returning echoes .
22 A building that is obviously empty immediately attracts the attention of vandals .
23 ‘ I will not anthropomorphize these vandals as they are wilfully and ignorantly trying to destroy a building that is there for the use of all the community .
24 Such an assumption is strong enough that when one comes across a response that is apparently irrelevant ( as ( ii ) overtly appears to be ) , an inference is triggered that would preserve the assumption of relevance .
25 When this happens they often find that , like Viola Angotti , other countries make a response that is out of proportion in order to rescue their damaged pride .
26 There is a notion abroad that if there is a response that is more or less uniformly nice it will suddenly transform the image of the industry for the better .
27 A weed that 's so poisonous it can kill horses and cattle is thriving , because chemicals once used to destroy it have been banned .
28 Bulking agents are sometimes added to maintain easy pathways for nutrients ( especially oxygen ) to get to microorganisms , rather than everything collapsing into a mass that is not conducive to diffusion .
29 Jespersen is caught between his fantasies ( soft-spoken , retiring child-women ) and his prejudices ( loquacious yet bird-brained women ) to produce a stereotype that is both old ( think of Shakespeare 's comment that a low voice is an excellent thing in woman ) and yet contemporary .
30 How can we have a ministry that is really effective inside the church if we can not live it outside the church ?
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